midgen - Check requires & test_requires of your package for CPAN inclusion.
This document describes midgen version: 0.21
Change to the root of your package and run, command line options always overwrite options from ~/.midgenrc if you have one.
Now with a Getopt --help or -?
midgen -?
midgen [options]
- --help or -h
Prints a help message and exits.
Options: --help brief help message --format change output format --dual_life show dual-life modules --core show all perl core modules --verbose take a little peek as to what is going on --experimental this feature under development --zero show a 0 instead of core --debug relevant to self development
- --format or -f
By default we output to STDOUT in 'dsl' format, so you can check, copy n paste or select an alternative format as shown below.
midgen -f dsl # Module::Include::DSL midgen -f mi # Module::Include midgen -f build # Build midgen -f dzil # Dist::Zilla midgen -f dist # dist.ini midgen -f cpanfile # cpanfile prereqs
- --dual_life or -l
Shows modules that are in Perl core and CPAN, some modules have a version number eg; constant, Carp.
midgen -l
- --core or -c
Shows all modules that are in Perl core, including dual-life, some have a version of 0 eg; strict, English.
midgen -c
- --verbose or -v
Show file names that we are checking, as we go.
midgen -v
- --experimental or -x
This experimental feature turns on extra passing, that removes twins and noisy_children, replacing them with there parent(dist), giving a minimalist output, you might conceive this as controversial, if so don't enable it.
midgen -x
- --zero or z
Use a '0' instead of 'core' for core module version number, suggest you incorporate it with core for maximum affect.
midgen -cz
- --write or -w
You can now write your current options to ~/.midgenrc in JSON format (core, dual_life, format, zero), to be used again. I you want to edit your ~./midgenrc file, you could use the Getopt --no-option to negate an option, or you can edit/delete the file, your choice.
midgen --no-z -w
- --debug or -d
Provides a vast amount of output, relevant to development also enables (core, verbose), uses Data::Printer.
Suggest you consider redirecting STDERR when the debug option is used.
midgen -d 2>debug.txt
See App::Midgen
See App::Midgen
See App::Midgen
See App::Midgen