Changes for version 0.31_07 - 2014-04-06
- fix issue with 2nd part of mro catch to only recast for meta1
- re-write parts of Eval
- various tweaks to tidy up the display of found data via verbose
Changes for version 0.31_05 - 2014-03-22
- add MRO::Compat meta-1.x recast
- tweak logic to ignore mro - MRO::Compact regardless
- add skip to ignore unknown modules in t/
Changes for version 0.31_03 - 2014-03-22
- add heuristics catach for runtimerecommends -> runtimerequires
- add heuristics catach for testsuggests -> testrequires
- do phase_relationship ajustment before calling output formats
Changes for version 0.31_01 - 2014-03-17
- Add phase-requirments to infiles data store
- Add pmv mro catch
- Add catch for MRO::Compat tidy up
- Retain the search phase-relationship for some more huristics
Check requires & test_requires of your package for CPAN inclusion.
Check RuntimeRequires & TestRequires of your package for CPAN inclusion.
Package Attributes used by App::Midgen
Package Attributes used by App::Midgen
used by App::Midgen
used by App::Midgen
used by App::Midgen
used by App::Midgen
used by App::Midgen
Package Options used by App::Midgen
A collection of output orientated methods used by App::Midgen
Output Format - cpanfile, used by App::Midgen
Output Format - dist.ini, used by App::Midgen
Output Format - ExtUtils::MakeMaker, used by App::Midgen
Modules and files they were found in, used by App::Midgen
Output Format - Module::Build, used by App::Midgen
Output Format - META.json, used by App::Midgen
Output Format - Module::Install, used by App::Midgen
extra checks for test files, looking for methods in use Test::Requires blocks, used by App::Midgen
looking for methods with Module::Runtime includes, used by App::Midgen
extra checks for test files, looking for methods in use_ok in BEGIN blocks, used by App::Midgen