Catalyst::Action::Deserialize - Deserialize Data in a Request


package Foo::Controller::Bar;

    'default'   => 'text/x-yaml',
    'stash_key' => 'rest',
    'map'       => {
        'text/x-yaml'        => 'YAML',
        'text/x-data-dumper' => [ 'Data::Serializer', 'Data::Dumper' ],

sub begin :ActionClass('Deserialize') {}


This action will deserialize HTTP POST, PUT, OPTIONS and DELETE requests. It assumes that the body of the HTTP Request is a serialized object. The serializer is selected by introspecting the requests content-type header.

If you want deserialize any other HTTP method besides POST, PUT, OPTIONS and DELETE you can do this by setting the deserialize_http_methods list via action_args. Just modify the config in your controller and define a list of HTTP methods the deserialization should happen for:

    action_args => {
        '*' => {
            deserialize_http_methods => [qw(POST PUT OPTIONS DELETE GET)]

See also "action_args" in Catalyst::Controller.

The specifics of deserializing each content-type is implemented as a plugin to Catalyst::Action::Deserialize. You can see a list of currently implemented plugins in Catalyst::Controller::REST.

The results of your Deserializing will wind up in $c->req->data. This is done through the magic of Catalyst::Request::REST.

While it is common for this Action to be called globally as a begin method, there is nothing stopping you from using it on a single routine:

sub foo :Local :Action('Deserialize') {}

Will work just fine.

When you use this module, the request class will be changed to Catalyst::Request::REST.


You likely want to look at Catalyst::Controller::REST, which implements a sensible set of defaults for a controller doing REST.

Catalyst::Action::Serialize, Catalyst::Action::REST


See Catalyst::Action::REST for authors.


You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.