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MKDoc::Text::Structured - Another Text to HTML module


    my $text = some_structured_text();
    my $html = MKDoc::Text::Structured::process ($text);


MKDoc::Text::Structured is a library which allows simple syntaxic text construct to be turned into HTML. These constructs are the ones you would be using when writing a text email or newsgroup message.

MKDoc::Text::Structured follows the KISS philosophy. Comparing with similar modules which try to implement as many HTML constructs as possible, this module is incredibly conservative.

Block level elements


Paragraphs are defined by blocks of text separated by one or more empty lines.

The text:

  This is a paragraph,
  until it meets an empty line.
  This is another paragraph.

Would become:

  <p>This is a paragraph,
  until it meets an empty line.</p>
  <p>This is another paragraph.</p>

H1, H2, H3

Headlines are really just like a paragraph, except that they have the following syntax:

The text:

  Headline 1
  Headline 2
  Headline 3

Would become:

  <h1>Headline 1</h1>
  <h2>Headline 2</h2>
  <h3>Headline 3</h3>

The advantage in treating headlines just like paragraph is that multi-line headlines are no problem. Also, it means you can use *strong* and _emphasized_ within a headline (see STRONG and EM sections).


Pre-formatted text looks like a paragraph, except that it must be indented with at least one space character.

The text:

  This is a paragraph,
  until it meets an empty line.
    But this is pre-formatted text.
    Hey  Hey Ho  Ho!

  This is another paragraph.

Would become:

  <p>This is a paragraph,
  until it meets an empty line.</p>
  <pre>But this is pre-formatted text.
  Hey  Hey Ho  Ho!</pre>
  <p>This is another paragraph.</p>

Again, you can use *strong* and _emphasized_ within pre-formatted text (see STRONG and EM sections).

Inline Elements


The text:

  This is *strong text*

Would become:

  <p>This is <strong>strong text</strong></p>

Note 1: The star character will act as a 'strong' marker only when:

- The "opening" star is preceded by whitespace or carriage return,

- The "closing" star is followed by whitespace or carriage return, or punctuation immediately followed by whitespace or carriage return.

In other words, you can write 3*3*2 = 18 safely. The module tries to follow the DWIM ("Do What I Mean") philosophy as much as possible.

Note 2: This can only work within one block level element. It will not work across paragraphs or lists (See UL, LI and OL, LI sections).

Example 1:

  * Hello, *I will not
  * be bold*
  * but
  * *I will be*

Example 2:

  This is a paragraph. *Nothing in this paragraph
  is going to be bold.

  Nor in this one*.


The text:

  This is _emphasized text_

Would become:

  <p>This is <em>emphasized text</em></p>

Same notes as for bold / strong text also applied for emphasized text.

Entity substitution

Characters that would otherwise be interpreted as XML are encoded. i.e. &, < and > become &amp; &lt; and &gt;

Additionally some standard typed versions of special characters are substituted with a richer and better-looking HTML entity:

  --   surrounded by whitespace becomes &mdash;
  -    surrounded by whitespace becomes &ndash;
  ...  becomes &hellip;
  (tm) becomes &trade;
  (r)  becomes &reg;
  (c)  becomes &copy;
  x    between numbers becomes &times;
  ''   surrounding text becomes &lsquo; &rsquo;
  ""   surrounding text becomes &ldquo; &rdquo;

Nested Structures


Quoted text is text that starts with a 'greater than' character and followed by a space on each line.

  > > Hey, that's pretty cool!

  > Well, sort-of

  I think it's pretty cool...

Would become:

  <blockquote><blockquote><p>Hey, that's pretty cool!</p></blockquote>
  <p>Well, sort-of</p></blockquote>
  <p>I think it's pretty cool...</p>


Ordered lists and unordered lists can be constructed and nested:

The text:

  * An item
  * Another item

  * Headlines work too

    I can write *paragraphs within lists*.

      And even _pre-formatted text_!

    - Also, I can have sub-lists
    - That's no problem
    - Notice that '*' and '-' have the same meaning.
      It's just syntaxic sugar, really :-)

Would become:

  <ul><li><p>An item</p></li>
  <li><p>Another item</p></li>
  <li><h2>Headlines work too</h2>
  <p>I can write <strong>paragraphs within lists</strong>.</p>
  <pre>And even <em>pre-formatted text</em>!</pre>
  <ul><li><p>Also, I can have sub-lists</p></li>
  <li><p>That's no problem</p></li>
  <li><p>Notice that '*' and '-' have the same meaning.
  It's just syntaxic sugar, really :-)</p></li></ul></li></ul>


Un-ordered lists and unordered lists can be constructed and nested:

The text:

  1. An item
  2. Another item

  3. Headlines work too

     * An un-ordered list
     * Can be nested
     * It should all work nicely.

Would become:

  <ol><li><p>An item</p></li>
  <li><p>Another item</p></li>
  <li><h2>Headlines work too</h2>
  <ul><li><p>An un-ordered list</p></li>
  <li><p>Can be nested</p></li>
  <li><p>It should all work nicely.</p></li></ul></li></ol>


This module uses URI::Find to locate URIs such as and turn them into clickable links.

Add rel="nofollow" attributes to <a> tags like so:

  local $MKDoc::Text::Structured::Inline::NoFollow = 1;

Additionally, once the XHTML fragment is produced, you could use MKDoc::XML::Tagger to hyperlink it against a glossary of hyperlinks.


Basic smilies such as :-) and :-( are wrapped in a CSS class:

  <span class="smiley-happy">:-)</span>
  <span class="smiley-sad">:-(</span>

Long Words

Long words are split up into fragments separated by spaces if the length exceeds a 78 character default.

Change the default length using a package variable:

  local $MKDoc::Text::Structured::Inline::LongestWord = 12;

Disable this fuctionality by setting a value of 0.


Copyright 2003 - MKDoc Holdings Ltd.

Author: Jean-Michel Hiver

This module is free software and is distributed under the same license as Perl itself. Use it at your own risk.



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