Panotools::Script - Panorama Tools scripting


Read, write and manipulate hugin script files.


Panorama Tools script files are used by several tools, including PTStitcher, PTOptimizer, autooptimiser, nona and PTmender.

There are GUI tools to help create them: hugin, PTGui, PTAssembler, autopano-sift and PTMac.


my $p = new Panotools::Script;
$p->Read ('/path/to/script.txt');
$p->Write ('/path/to/script.txt');

File paths in a Panorama Tools script file are generally relative to the directory containing the script. Modify this or otherwise prefix the filenames by supplying an optional second argument:

$p->Write ('/path/to/script.txt', '../path/to/prefix/tofiles');

Clone a script object

$clone = $p->Clone;

Access various sections of the scriptfile:

$p->Mode;          # a L<Panotools::Script::Line::Mode> object
$p->Panorama;      # a L<Panotools::Script::Line::Panorama> object
$p->Variable;      # a L<Panotools::Script::Line::Variable> object
$p->Image;         # an array of L<Panotools::Script::Line::Image> objects
$p->Output;        # an array of L<Panotools::Script::Line::Output> objects
$p->Control;       # an array of L<Panotools::Script::Line::Control> objects
$p->ControlMorph;  # an array of L<Panotools::Script::Line::ControlMorph> objects

Rotate transform all the images in a project, angles in degrees:

$p->Transform ($roll, $pitch, $yaw);

'o' output lines are generated by PTOptimizer and contain stitching parameters for each input image. 'i' image lines provide parameters for optimisation as well as stitching.

Update the 'image' lines based on 'output' lines and vice-versa like so:
