ptofill - add control points to a Hugin project between likely overlapping photos
ptofill [options] --output output.pto input.pto
-m | --makefile file Output Makefile
-o | --output file Output project
-f | --factor Distance factor to search for overlaps (default=1.25)
-h | --help Outputs help documentation.
ptofill is a wrapper around various tools that generates control points. Output is in the form of a .pto project.
All pairs of photos in a project are examined and angular distances compared to determine if photos likely overlap, if points already exist between photos then matching will be skipped.
If the --makefile option is given, rules for generating the project are written to a Makefile, if --makefile isn't set then these rules will be executed immediately.
Control point generator parameters are set via Option lines in the input project:
#hugin_cpgenSize 1500
#hugin_cpgenNumber 25
#hugin_cpgenRansac true
#hugin_cpgenRefine false
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Bruno Postle - December 2009.