Panotools::Makefile - Makefile creation
Simple object interface for generating Makefiles
Writing Makefiles directly from perl scripts with print and "\t" etc... is prone to error, this library provides a simple perl interface for assembling Makefiles.
use Panotools::Makefile;
Create a new Makefile object:
my $makefile = new Panotools::Makefile;
Start adding items to the Makefile:
Rule() returns a new Panotools::Makefile::Rule object, Variable() returns a new Panotools::Makefile::Variable object and Comment() returns a new Panotools::Makefike::Variable object:
my $var_user = $makefile->Variable ('USER');
$var_user->Values ("Dr. Largio d'Apalansius (MB)");
my $rule_all = $makefile->Rule ('all');
$rule_all->Command ('echo', '$(USER_SHELL)', '>', 'My File.txt');
$makefile->Comment ('.PHONY target isn't strictly necessary in this case');
my $rule_phony = $makefile->Rule;
$rule_phony->Targets ('.PHONY');
$rule_phony->Prerequisites ('all');
Write the Makefile:
$makefile->Write ('/path/to/Makefile');
..or let the module execute rules with 'make' directly:
$makefile->DoIt ('all') || warn "Didn't work :-(";
The following command will be executed, something that isn't possible with perl system() or exec(), and would otherwise require careful assembly with backticks:
echo Dr.\ Largio\ d\'Apalansius\ \(MB\) > My\ File.txt
On the Windows platform you get appropriate quoting:
echo "Dr. Largio d'Apalansius (MB)" > "My File.txt"