Changes for version 0.26

  • ptoanchor now uses cpfind instead of autopano-sift-c, requires Hugin 2010.4.0
  • Panotools::Makefile fixes for irix/solaris
  • tests: workaround math on Darwin
  • tests: Use 'copy' instead of 'cp' on windows when running tests
  • new tools: ptohalve and ptodouble - resizes pto project files
  • fix Transform() and other potential bugs with linked stacks


Utility to convert six cube faces to equirectangular
Wrapper around enblend for managing external masks
Wrapper around enblend for blending SVG layers
Wrapper around enfuse for managing external masks
create a tiled image pyramid
creates a hugin .pto file for converting equirectangular to cubic
Extract a mercator projection from an equirectangular image
Extract a stereographic 'little planet' from an equirectangular image
Assemble a Quicktime QTVR file from an equirectangular image
assemble multi-row panoramas
stitch a Hugin project as multi-resolution tiles
HTML template for viewing tiled images with the Google Map API
Assemble Quicktime QTVR files from JPEG cubefaces
collect lens and EXIF data
generate a Hugin .pto project from a list of photos
Wrapper around nona for managing external masks
render panoglview .paf projects
identify likely panorama sequences
Preprocessor for enblend masks
Create a Makefile for stitching
add control points to a Hugin project
Join the ends of linked photos in a Hugin project
centre images in a panorama
add control points to a Hugin project between consecutive photos
prune improbable control points
rescale a panorama project
create missing input photos
add control points to a Hugin project between likely overlapping photos
query a pto project
generates undirected graph reports for .pto files
rescale a panorama project
Prints human readable reports for .pto files
merges pto projects
removes absolute paths from .pto projects
change settings in a pto project
sort pto files with variable criteria
extracts a subset pto project
prepare a pto project for typical optimisation tasks
Utility to convert a QTVR file to equirectangular
generates an SVG file from hugin 'multiple TIFF' output
Apply a numerical rotational translation to a hugin pto file


Makefile creation
Assemble Makefile Comment lines
Assemble Makefile rules
Makefile syntax
Assemble Makefile Variable definitions
Miscellaneous math for panoramic images
Photo sets
Panorama Tools scripting
Panorama Tools script data
Panotools control-point
Panotools morph control-point
Panotools input image
hugin input image metadata
Panotools stitching mode
Panotools output image
Panotools panorama parameters
Panotools optimisation variables