NAME - Tk::ProgressBar
An Object-Oriented, sort-of animated Thermometer (Bells, Whistles) display for Perl/Tk, often useful for Wait Boxes (See Tk::WaitBox) and other cpu-intensive tasks.
- Basic Usage
To use, just create and configure (See sample code)
- Configuration
Configuration may be done at creation or via the configure method. The following methods are configurable:
- -foreground
Sets the color of the filled portion of the ProgressBar. Default 'blue'
- -background
Sets the color of the empty (unfilled) portion of the ProgressBar. Default 'white'
- -relief
Sets the relief of the filled portion of the ProgressBar. Default 'raised'
- -backrelief
Sets the relief of the empty (unfilled) portion of the ProgressBar. Default 'sunken'
- -height
Sets the width of the ProgressBar. No provision is currently made for ProgressBars that fill top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top, or anything other than left-to-right. Maybe someday. Default 20
- -UpdateHook
Sets a routine to be called whenever the ProgressBar is updated. This routine will be called with parameters of (in order) current percentage, current value, and max value. (See -step, -max, and, again, sample code) Default none
- -step
Sets the current value of the ProgressBar. The 'fullness' of the ProgressBar will be calculated as int(step/max*100) Default 0
- -max
Sets the maximum range of the ProgressBar. Default 100
- Sample Code
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use Tk; use Tk::WaitBox; use Tk::ProgressBar; use strict; my($root) = MainWindow->new; my($utxtbase) = "Initializing"; my($utxt) = $utxtbase; $root->Label(-textvariable => \$utxt) ->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'x'); my($t) = $root->ProgressBar->pack; $t->configure(-UpdateHook => \&Hook, -relief => 'sunken', -backrelief => 'raised'); $root->update; $root->deiconify; my($i,@a); my($tot) = 2000; $t->configure(-step => 0, -max => $tot); $utxtbase = "Filling"; srand(time|$$); for ($i = 0; $i <= $tot; $i++) { if (($i % 10) == 0) { $t->configure(-step => $i); } @a[$i] = int(rand(10001)); } $i = 0; my($max) = int(2 * $tot * log($tot)); print "Maybe $max steps?\n"; $t->configure(-max => $max); $max = $max /1000; $utxtbase = "Sorting"; foreach (sort { if (($i % $max) == 0) { $t->configure(-step => $i); } $i++; $a <=> $b } @a) { } print "$i sort steps for $tot\n"; sub Hook { my($percent) = shift; $utxt = "$utxtbase $percent%"; ## Alternatively, # my($percent, $step, $max) = @_; # $utxt = "$utxtbase $percent% step $step of $max"; }
Brent B. Powers, (B2Pi)
This code may be distributed under the same conditions as perl itself.