brackup-restore - The brackup restore tool.


$ brackup-restore --from=foo.brackup --to=<base_directory> --all
$ brackup-restore --from=foo.brackup --to=<base_directory> --just=<file>
$ brackup-restore --from=foo.brackup --to=<base_directory> --just=<dir>



Required. The backup metafile, describing the tree you want to restore. Probably named like "source-YYYYMMDD.brackup". If you lost it, it's also stored on your backup target, and you can fetch it with brackup-target.


Required. The destination root directory for your restored files.


Restore all files.


Restore just the directory named. (and all contents thereunder)


Restore just the file named.


Brackup is distributed as-is and comes without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. We aren't responsible for your data loss.


Brad Fitzpatrick <>

Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Six Apart, Ltd. All rights reserved.

This module is free software. You may use, modify, and/or redistribute this software under the terms of same terms as perl itself.