Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity - object representing a verified OpenID identity
use Net::OpenID::Consumer;
my $csr = Net::OpenID::Consumer->new;
my $vident = $csr->verified_identity
or die $csr->err;
my $url = $vident->url;
After Net::OpenID::Consumer verifies a user's identity and does the signature checks, it gives you this Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity object, from which you can learn more about the user.
- $vident->url
Returns the URL (as a scalar) that was verified. (Remember, an OpenID is just a URL.)
- $vident->display
Returns the a short "display form" of the verified URL using a couple brain-dead patterns. For instance, the identity "" will map to "bob []" The www. prefix is removed, as well as http, and a username is looked for, in either the tilde form, or "/users/USERNAME" or "/members/USERNAME". If the path component is empty or just "/", then the display form is just the hostname, so "" is just "".
Suggestions for improving this function are welcome!
- $vident->rss
- $vident->atom
- $vident->foaf
- $vident->declared_rss
- $vident->declared_atom
- $vident->declared_foaf
Returns the absolute URLs (as scalars) of the user's RSS, Atom, and FOAF XML documents that were also found in their HTML's <head> section. The short versions will only return a URL if they're below the root URL that was verified. If you want to get at the user's declared rss/atom/foaf, even if it's on a different host or parent directory, use the delcared_* versions, which don't have the additional checks.
2005-05-24: A future module will take a Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity object and create an OpenID profile object so you don't have to manually parse all those documents to get profile information.
- $vident->foafmaker
Returns the value of the
meta tag, if declared.
See Net::OpenID::Consumer for author, copyrignt and licensing information.