HTML::JQuery - Generate and insert jQuery/Javascript code for your Perl Web Applications using Perl


HTML::JQuery acts as a bridge between Perl and JQuery/Javascript. It enables Perl programmers to do as much Javascript as they can using Perl. You can create modals, key sequences and even build javascript functions using Perl subroutines. The aim is simple: More Perl, less Javascript.


Inject Javascript/JQuery into your web apps using Perl.

my $j = HTML::JQuery->new;

# build a javascript function that injects pure javascript,
# HTML::JQuery generated javascript, or both.
$j->function(init => sub {
    $j->alert('Your document has loaded!');

In the above example, when myFuncName() is called an alert box will open, then the modal We can call it using an event handler.. yeah, we can do this with Perl, too.

$j->onClick({ class => 'button', event => $j->callFunc('myFuncName') });

So if we add a link, like <a class="button" href="#">Click Me to activate myFuncName</a> It will run our newly created function.



Returns the complete JQuery/Javascript code that the module generates for you. It also includes the .ready() feature so you don't need to worry about that either. It checks to see if init() is a function, and if so, runs it.


Change the CSS for a particular element.

$j->css({ class => 'backgroundDiv', color => 'red' });

As of 0.14, the css method now supports multiple attributes. No need to do anything special, HTML::JQuery will create the JS object for you.

    id              => 'someDiv',
    'font-weight'   => 'bold',
    color           => '#0000FF',
    width           => '+=200',


Make an element hide, but with a nice fade effect.

$j->fadeOut({id => 'hideThisDiv'});


Easily create a slide out panel with this method. It's similar to show with speed set to slow, but will automatically retract if you click on it when it's already unhidden and vice-versa.

    class => 'thisDiv',
    event => $j->slideToggle($j->this),


Make stuff happen when hovering over an element.

$j->hover({ class => 'MyElement', event => $j->alert('Annoying hover box!') });

Or you can make stuff happen when you hover over the element, then leave it.

    id      => 'button',
    event   => $j->css({ id => 'button-text', 'font-weight' => 'bold' }),
    event => $j->css({ id => 'button-text', 'font-weight' => 'normal' }),


Uses basic JavaScript to redirect a user to a different page. You can assign a timeout (delay) by passing a second argument.

$j->redirect('users/login', 1000); # 1000ms (1 sec)


Generates a simple modal dialog. The returned string is $('#modal_name').dialog('open'); This method needs to be fixed as it's a bit picky with the title. The title is used as the modals id.

    title   => 'My Modal Title',
    message => 'The content of my modal',
    slide   => 1, # gives it a cool "slide" effect when it opens

If you omit the buttons options, a default button of "OK" will be present which will simply close the current modal dialog. We can define them quite easy in Perl using a single string, or in an anonymous sub.

    autoOpen    => 1,
    title       => 'My Modal Title',
    message     => 'This modal pops up when the page is loaded',
    buttons     => {
        OK      => sub {
            my $data = $j->alert('You pressed OK');
            $data .= $j->this('modal', 'close');
            return $data;
        Cancel  => $j->this('modal', 'close'),


A basic Javascript alert box.

$j->function(init => sub {
    $j->alert('Your document has loaded!');


JQuery's $(this) syntax. It refers to the current element.

$j->this('modal', 'open'); # returns $(this).dialog('open'); in jQuery
$j->this('height'); # returns $(this).height(); in jQuery


This method uses the jquery.keystrokes plugin. The syntax is extremely easy to use and works exactly as expected. Easily create events based on key presses.

    keys        => [qw/ctrl+alt c/],
    success     => $j->callFunc('callme'),

The above code will run whatever is set in success once ctrl+alt then m is pressed. If you need to use arrow keys, try this.

    keys        => ['arrow left', 'arrow down', 'arrow right', 'a', 'c'],
    success     => 'alert("Ryu says: Hadouken!");',


Sends a GET/POST request to a page via AJAX and adds the data to the specified element.

    class => 'button',
    event => $j->ajax('ajax/search', { id => 'ajaxDiv', method => 'get', search => 'content' })


Calls a Javascript function so you can use it in other events, ie: onClick It also checks to make sure it's a valid function, and if not returns false



Create an onClick event. You decide what element the event is for by setting id => or class => For example, if you use class => 'button' then the event handler will be $('.button') or $('#button') for id => 'button'. The other argument is event. Once the onClick is triggered, the value in event will be run.

$j->function(clickMe => sub {
    qq { alert("I have been clicked.. arghhhh"); }

$j->onClick({ id => 'button', event => $j->callFunc('clickMe') });


Adds the value of html to the specified class or id element. Similar to jQuery's $('element').html(); I really need to add an append also.

# an empty div in the HTML
<div id="mydiv"></div>

# then from Perl
$j->innerHtml({ id => 'mydiv', html => 'Oh wow! There is text in here now'});


Show a hidden element. ie: a div with display set to 'none'

# <div id="myDiv" style="display:none">This is my hidden text</div>

# Perl
$j->show({ id => 'myDiv', speed => 'slow' });

# This causes the content of myDiv to scroll down slowly, making it visible


The exact opposite of 'show'.

$j->hide({ class => 'someBlock', speed => 'slow' });


This method incorporates the show and hide methods. If the given element is hidden, it will show it, and if it is visible (display:none), it will hide it. You can give it a speed too if you like.

    class => 'button',
    event => $j->showHide({
        id      => 'myDiv',
        speed   => 'fast',


An inline function is just an anonymous function that you can use in callbacks for example. They return something like function() { ... }

See animate for more information.


Builds a standard Javascript function. If you call it 'init' then that function will be run automatically once the document has loaded.

$j->function(init => sub {
    qq{ alert('Your document has loaded'); }

Javascript functions can be called with $j->callFunc(funcName)


Sets an element with the tooltip attribute. Once this is done the tooltip will be whatever is in the tags "title".

<a id ="mylink" href="#" title="A link to nowhere">My Link</a>

# Perl
$j->tooltip({id => 'mylink'});


Animate an element by resizing it for example

$j->animate({id => 'clickHere', width => '50%', height => '30px'});

# animate with a callback on completion
    id     => 'clickHere',
    width  => '50%',
    height => '50px',
}, 1000, $j->inline_function(sub {


Binds a jQuery datepicker to a specific element. Once you click on that element you'll be presented with a fancy calendar. By default it will use dd/mm/yy as the date formate and you'll be able to change the month and year.

$j->datepicker({id => 'pickDate'});


The rel attribute is handly in JavaScript for keeping data in you might want to pass across, like IDs, or names. Use ->rel to get the value of this attribute in any element.

    class => 'getName',
    event => $j->alert('The name is ' . $j->rel({selector => $j->this})),


Create a simple, blank div. Use hidden to make it invisible by default

Appends source to the pages head. ie: stylesheets

$j->head({stylesheet => '/static/css/jquery-ui.css'});


Adds the key and value as a global variable situated above all the other code (apart from init).

$j->global('myVar', 5); # returns var myVar = 5; at the beginning of the Javascript block


Interpolation for strings. Say you have an alert box and want to include a variable inside, you can't, can you? because $j->alert() will wrap everything inside within quotes. _q() will break it up and interpolate whatever you have inside.

$j->alert('Hello, ' . _q($j->global('name')));


Please e-mail


Brad Haywood <>


Copyright 2011 the above author(s).

This sofware is free software, and is licensed under the same terms as perl itself.