Object::Nano - No frills class building, with readable and writable accessors
Why another class builder???
I've tried different class builders, my favorite being Object::Tiny for its simplicity, speed, compactness, etc.. but unfortunately when I needed to create writable accessors I became stuck. So, Object::Nano was born. All it does is build you a simple class and creates readable/writable accessors. Oh, and imports warnings and strict, so you don't need to do that either. Not really fussed about writable accessors and warnings/strict? Then you're probably better off with Object::Tiny
package MyClass;
use Object::Nano qw<name level email>;
After the above you have a full-working class with a few usable accessors. So you can do something like...
use TestClass;
my $t = TestClass->new(
name => 'Foo',
level => 15,
$t->email('foo@foo'); # updated the email accessor
Brad Haywood <>
You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.