muter - tool to convert between various formats
muter -c chain [file...]
muter [--verbose] --help
muter is a tool to process data by encoding and decoding it in various formats. The series of transforms being used is described by the chain.
Like most Unix command line tools, muter processes the files specified on the command line, or standard input if no files are specified. It produces output to standard output. Input and output are generally assumed to be a series of bytes; where character interpretation is required, UTF-8 is used.
A chain is a series of transforms separated by colons. A reverse transform (decoding) is specified by preceding the transform with a -
character. If a transform takes parameters, they are separated by commas and follow the transform either surrounded by parentheses or preceded by a comma.
Not all transforms have an reverse transforms. For example, the hash transform, which implements cryptographic hashes, is not practically invertible (we hope). An exception will be thrown if you attmept to use an invalid transform.
Generally, a reverse transform will decode any variant of the forward transform. To preserve this invariant, related but incompatible transforms such as base64 and url64 are separate transforms.
- -c chain, --chain=chain
Specify the chain of transforms. This option is mandatory.
- --help
List usage and all known transforms.
- --verbose
With --help, provide a description for each transform parameter.
- muter -c -base64:uri
Decode the standard input as Base64 and output it, encoding it using URI percent-encoding.
- muter -c -hex:hash(sha256):base64 file
Read from file, which contains a single hex-encoded string, hash the result with SHA-256, and encode the result as base64. This chain could also be written as C-hex:hash,sha256:base64>, which may be easier to type.