Statistics::R - Controls the R (R-project) interpreter through Perl.
This will permit the control of the the R (R-project) interpreter through Perl in different architectures and OS.
You can for example, start only one instance of the R interpreter and have different Perl process accessing it.
use Statistics::R ;
my $R = Statistics::R->new() ;
$R->startR ;
$R->send(q`postscript("" , horizontal=FALSE , width=500 , height=500 , pointsize=1)`) ;
$R->send(q`plot(c(1, 5, 10), type = "l")`) ;
$R->send(qq`x = 123 \n print(x)`) ;
my $ret = $R->read ;
$R->stopR() ;
When creating the R bridje object (Statistics::R), you can set some options:
- log_dir
The directory where the bridge between R and Perl will be created.
R and Perl need to have read and write access to the directory!
By dafault it will be created at %TMP_DIR%/Statistics-R.
- r_bin
The path to the R binary.
By default the path will be searched in the default installation path of R in the OS.
- r_dir
The directory of R.
- tmp_dir
A temporary directory.
By default the temporary directory of the OS will be used/searched.
- startR
Start R and the communication bridge.
Start R or use an already running communication bridge.
- stopR
Stop R and the bridge.
- restartR
stop() and start() R.
- Rbin
Return the path to the R binary (executable).
- send ($CMD)
Send some command to be executed inside R. Note that $CMD will be loaded by R with source()
- read ($TIMEOUT)
Read the output of R for the last group of commands sent to R by send().
- lock
Lock the bridge for your PID.
- unlock
Unlock the bridge if your PID have locked it.
- is_blocked
Return TRUE if the bridge is blocked for your PID.
In other words, returns TRUE if other process has lock()ed the bridge.
- is_started
Return TRUE if the R interpreter is started, or still started.
- clean_up
Clean up the enverioment, removing all the objects.
- error
Return the last error message.
To install this package you need to install R in your OS first, since Statistics::R need to find R path to work fine.
A standart installation of R on Win32 and Linux will work fine and detected automatically by Statistics::R.
Download page of R:
Or go to the R web site:
The main pourpose of Statistics::R is to start a single R interpreter that hear multiple Perl process.
Note that to do that R and Perl need to be running with the same user/group level.
To start the Statistics::R bridge you can use the script
$> start
From your script you need to use the start_sharedR() option:
use Statistics::R ;
my $R = Statistics::R->new() ;
$R->start_sharedR ;
$R->send('x = 123') ;
Note that in the example above the method stopR() wasn't called, sine it will close the bridge.
The R-project web site:
Statistics:: modules for Perl:
Graciliano M. P. <>
Brian Cassidy <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.