# /=====================================================================\
# | LaTeXML-meta.rnc |
# | RelaxNG model for LaTeXML generated documents |
# |=====================================================================|
# | Part of LaTeXML: |
# | Public domain software, produced as part of work done by the |
# | United States Government & not subject to copyright in the US. |
# |=====================================================================|
# | Bruce Miller <bruce.miller@nist.gov> #_# |
# \=========================================================ooo==U==ooo=/
## Meta elements are generally hidden;
## they can appear in both inline and block contexts.
Meta.class |= note | indexmark | glossaryphrase | rdf | ERROR | resource | navigation
note =
## Metadata that covers several `out of band' annotations.
## It's content allows both inline and block-level content.
element note { note_attributes, note_model }
## Attributes for \elementref{note}.
note_attributes =
## indicates the desired visible marker to be linked to the note.
attribute mark { text }?,
## indicates the kind of note
attribute role { "footnote" | text }?
## Content model for \elementref{note}.
note_model = Flow.model
# should mark be more like label/refnum ?
indexmark =
## Metadata to record an indexing position. The content is
## a sequence of \elementref{indexphrase}, each representing a level in
## a multilevel indexing entry.
element indexmark { indexmark_attributes, indexmark_model }
## Attributes for \elementref{indexmark}.
indexmark_attributes =
## a flattened form (like \attr{key}) of another \elementref{indexmark},
## used to crossreference.
attribute see_also { text }?,
## NOTE: describe this.
attribute style { text }?
## Content model for \elementref{indexmark}.
indexmark_model = indexphrase*, indexsee*
indexphrase =
## A phrase within an \elementref{indexmark}
element indexphrase { indexphrase_attributes, indexphrase_model }
## Attributes for \elementref{indexphrase}.
indexphrase_attributes =
## a flattened form of the phrase for generating an \attr{ID}.
attribute key { text }?
## Content model for \elementref{indexphrase}.
indexphrase_model = Inline.model
indexsee =
## A see-also phrase within an \elementref{indexmark}
element indexsee { indexsee_attributes, indexsee_model }
## Attributes for \elementref{indexsee}.
indexsee_attributes =
## a flattened form of the phrase for generating an \attr{ID}.
attribute key { text }?,
## a name for the see phrase, such as "see also".
attribute name { text }?
## Content model for \elementref{indexsee}.
indexsee_model = Inline.model
glossaryphrase =
## A phrase being clarified within an \elementref{glossaryentry}
element glossaryphrase { glossaryphrase_attributes, glossaryphrase_model }
## Attributes for \elementref{glossaryphrase}.
glossaryphrase_attributes =
## The kind of \elementref{glossary} this mark belongs to.
attribute role { text }?,
## a flattened form of the phrase for generating an \attr{ID}.
attribute key { text }?,
## a keyword naming the format of this phrase (to match \attr{show} in \elementref{glossaryref}).
attribute show { text }?
## Content model for \elementref{glossaryphrase}.
glossaryphrase_model = Inline.model
glossarydefinition =
## A definition within an \elementref{glossaryentry}
element glossarydefinition { glossarydefinition_attributes, glossarydefinition_model }
## Attributes for \elementref{glossarydefinition}.
glossarydefinition_attributes =
## a flattened form of the definition for generating an \attr{ID}.
attribute key { text }?
## Content model for \elementref{glossarydefinition}.
glossarydefinition_model = Inline.model
rdf =
## A container for RDF annotations.
## (See document structure for rdf-prefixes attribute)
element rdf { rdf_attributes, rdf_model }
## Attributes for \elementref{rdf}
rdf_attributes =
## Content model for \elementref{rdf}
rdf_model = Flow.model
## error object for undefined control sequences, or whatever
element ERROR { ERROR_attributes, ERROR_model }
## Attributes for \elementref{ERROR}.
ERROR_attributes =
## Content model for \elementref{ERROR}.
ERROR_model = text*
# Document-level (or sub-document level) Meta objects
resource =
## a resource for use in further processing such as javascript or CSS
element resource { resource_attributes, resource_model }
## Attributes for \elementref{resource}.
resource_attributes =
## the source url to the resource
attribute src { text }?,
## the mime type of the resource
attribute type { text }?,
## the media for which this resource is applicable
## (in the sense of CSS).
attribute media { text }?
#anyElement = element * { (attribute * { text } | text | anyElement) * }
#resource_model = (text | anyElement)*
resource_model = text*
navigation =
## Records navigation cross-referencing information,
## or serves as a container for page navigational blocks.
element navigation { navigation_attributes, navigation_model }
## Attributes for \elementref{navigation}.
navigation_attributes = Common.attributes
## Content model for \elementref{navigation}.
## A \elementref{inline-para} child should have attribute \attr{class}
## being one of \texttt{ltx_page_navbar}, \texttt{ltx_page_header}
## or \texttt{ltx_page_footer} and its contents will be used to create those components of webpages.
## Lacking those, a \elementref{TOC} requests a table of contents
## in the navigation bar. Page headers and footers will be synthesized from
## Links from the current page or document to related ones;
## these are represented by \elementref{ref} elements with \attr{rel}
## being up, down, previous, next, and so forth.
## top-level elements, presumably block-level,
navigation_model = ( ref | TOC | inline-para )*