## SVG 1.1 Structure Module
## file: svg-structure.rng
## This is SVG, a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.
## Copyright 2001, 2002 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
## $Id: svg-structure.rng,v 1.1 2003/07/15 07:11:10 dean Exp $
## Structure
## svg, g, defs, desc, title, metadata, symbol, use
## This module declares the major structural elements and their attributes.
[ xml:lang = "en" ]
grammar {
include "svg-basic-structure.rnc"
## extend SVG.Structure.class
SVG.Structure.class |= symbol
a:documentation [ "\x{a}" ~ " symbol: Symbol Element\x{a}" ~ " " ]
SVG.symbol.content =
| SVG.Animation.class
| SVG.Structure.class
| SVG.Conditional.class
| SVG.Image.class
| SVG.Style.class
| SVG.Shape.class
| SVG.Text.class
| SVG.Marker.class
| SVG.Profile.class
| SVG.Gradient.class
| SVG.Pattern.class
| SVG.Clip.class
| SVG.Mask.class
| SVG.Filter.class
| SVG.Cursor.class
| SVG.Hyperlink.class
| SVG.View.class
| SVG.Script.class
| SVG.Font.class)*
symbol = element symbol { attlist.symbol, SVG.symbol.content }
attlist.symbol &=
attribute viewBox { ViewBoxSpec.datatype }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "xMidYMid meet" ]
attribute preserveAspectRatio { PreserveAspectRatioSpec.datatype }?