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CGI::Cache - Perl extension to help cache output of time-intensive CGI scripts so that subsequent visits to such scripts will not cost as much time.


  use CGI::Cache;

  $TTL = 6*60*60;       # time to live for cache file is 6 hours

  print "Content-type text/html\n\n";
  print "This prints to STDOUT, which will be cached.";
  print "If the next visit is within 6 hours, the cached STDOUT";
  print "will be served instead of executing these 'prints'.";


To install this package, change to the directory where you unarchived this distribution and type the following:

        perl Makefile.PL
        make test
        make install

During the 'make test', there are some tests that take a while longer to run. While testing that caching is working, CPU times are being recorded on some badly written code to see that performance will actually be increased on subsequent visits. Don't panic. It may take a couple of minutes to run, depending on your system.

If you do not have root access on your machine, then you may not have the ability to install this module in the standard perl library path. You may direct the installation into your own space, e.g.,

        perl Makefile.PL LIB='/home/bseib/lib'

or perhaps the entire installation, e.g.,

        perl Makefile.PL PREFIX='/home/bseib'

If you make the installation into your own directory, then remember that you must tell perl where to search for modules before trying to 'use' them. For example:

        use lib '/home/bseib/lib';
        use CGI::Cache;

The most current version of this module should be available at your favorite CPAN site, or may be retrieved from

Please let me know if you are using this module. Tell me what bugs you find or what can be done to improve it.


This module is intended to be used in a CGI script that may benefit from caching its output. Some CGI scripts may take longer to execute because the data needed in order to construct the page may not be readily available. Such a script may need to query a remote database, or may rely on data that doesn't arrive in a timely fashion, or it may just be computationally intensive. Nonetheless, if you can afford the tradeoff of showing older, cached data vs. CGI execution time, then this module will perform that function.

This module was written such that any existing CGI code could benefit from caching without really changing any of existing CGI code guts. The idea is that you include the module and concoct a filename for the cache file.

This module accomplishes that feat by allowing the CGI script to do just what it has always done, that is, construct an html page and print it to the STDOUT file descriptor, then exit. What you'll do in order to cache pages is include the module, specify a cache filename, and all output on STDOUT will be redirected to the cache file instead. Upon exit, the content of the cache file will be blasted onto the real STDOUT.

This functionallity is performed by "duping" the STDOUT file descriptor and opening the named cache file via the STDOUT file descriptor. If this is unfamiliar, you should read the section on the perl open() function in the Camel book, or in perldoc perlfunc. There is an example of capturing STDOUT this way.

Once a page has been cached in this fashion, then a subsequent visit to that CGI script will check for the cache file before continuing through the code. If the file exists, then the cache file's content is printed to the real STDOUT and the process exits before executing the regular CGI code.


You must consider the nature of the CGI script to choose an appropriate cache file name. Think of your CGI script as a math function that produces a unique result as a function of one or more input variables. You want to save that result under a name that is a combination of all the variables that it took to create that result.

For example, say we have a CGI script "airport" that computes the number of miles between major airports. You supply two airport codes to the script and it builds a web pages that reports the number of miles by air between those two locations. Suppose the URL for Indianapolis Int'l to Chicago O'Hare looked like:


We might choose a cache file name like "airport_IND_ORD", or "airport.IND.ORD", any name that contains all the variables that it took to create the page.

So where does this cache file actually get created? There are two subroutines that can affect where the actual cache file is created. The first sets up a general "root" directory for all caching. A second routine tells what filename to use for a specific cache file.


        SetRoot( <abs_path> [,<mode> = undef] );
          <abs_path>  - absolute path to a directory for cache files
            undef     - attempt to mkpath this path with mode 0777
            0xxx      - attempt to mkpath this path with mode 0xxx
            0         - do not attempt to mkpath this path

Calling SetRoot() you setup an absolute path to a directory where cache files may be created. If the supplied path does not begin with a '/' character, then it is ignored and a failure code of 0 is returned.

A second optional argument controls whether or not we attempt to mkpath that path if it doesn't exist entirely. If we pass a zero for this second argument and the path doesn't exist, then we won't attempt to mkpath the path and return a failure code of 0. However, if the path exists, the routine succeeds, returning 1.

You may pass a non-zero octal mode as the second argument, which will be the mode set while creating directories when calling mkpath(). During this subroutine, the process's umask will temporarily be set to 0000. All the directories that are created will then have the specified mode.

If you leave out the second argument, i.e. it is undef, then a mkpath is attempted and the default mode of 0777 is used.

        SetFile( <path> [,<ttl> = 12*60*60] );
          <path>      - a relative or absolute path to cache file
          <ttl>       - number of seconds the cache file will live

Calling SetFile() you specify the actual filename that the cache file will have inside the root cache directory. You may optionally supply an integer that determines a cache file's time to live. This indicates the number of seconds a file may age and still be served. The default time to live, if not supplied, is 12 hours.

Going back to our simple "airport" CGI example, we could modify our existing CGI script with a preamble to do the caching. E.g.,

  #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
  ##   Add these few lines up front to get caching.
  use CGI::Cache;
  CGI::Cache::SetFile("airport_" . join('_', sort @ARGV) );
  ##   put normal CGI code here
  ##   EOF

This is a simplified example of taking the arguments to the CGI script and joining them with underscores and using that as part of the unique cache file name. The SetRoot() call will attempt to mkpath('/tmp/cgi-cache/') with mode 0777. After visiting a few pages you might have a cache directory that looks like:


Note that all your CGI scripts may start piling up cache files in the same directory. If this is not desired you can specify a subdirectory back where you called the SetFile() routine, like this:


Now the work of the "airport" CGI script stays separated in its own directory. This is desirable, for example, if you had another CGI script showing upcoming flights. In this case, the cache directory may now look something like:


When supplying paths to SetFile() that have a subdirectory (implied by the "/" character[s] in the string), then the default mkpath() applies to making those directories if they do not exist. If you do not want mkpath() building directories behind your back, then you should be specifying this up front with SetRoot('/the/dir/you/want/',0).

You may also supply a full path to SetFile() as well. The same mkpath() rules will apply by default.


Could you guess that the Start() routine is what does all the work? It is this call that actually looks for an existing cache file, returning its content if it exists, then exits. If the cache file does not exist, then it captures the STDOUT filehandle and allows the CGI script's normal STDOUT be redirected to the cache file.

This routine can also take the same arguments as SetFile(), in which case the routine Start() will actually call SetFile() first with those arguments before it does anything else. E.g.,

        Start( <path> [,<ttl> = 12*60*60] );
          <path>      - a relative or absolute path to cache file
          <ttl>       - number of seconds the cache file will live

This allows us to shorten our example preamble to just two lines!

  #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
  ##   Add these two lines up front to get caching with TTL = 10 min.
  ##   Assume $filename has been set to appropriate cache file name.
  use CGI::Cache;
  CGI::Cache::Start("/tmp/cgi-cache/airport/$filename", 600);
  ##   put normal CGI code here
  ##   EOF
        Stop( [<dump> = 1] );
          <dump>      - do we dump the the cache file to STDOUT?

The Stop() routine tells us to stop capturing STDOUT to the cache file. The cache file is closed and the file descriptor for STDOUT is restored to normal. The argument "dump" tells us whether or not to dump what has been captured in the cache file to the real STDOUT. By default this argument is 1, since this is usually what we want to do. In an error condition, however, we may want to cease caching and not print any of it to STDOUT. In this case, a dump argument of 0 is passed, which actually causes Stop() to call Expire() to delete the cache file.

You don't have to call the Stop() routine if you simply want to catch all STDOUT that the script generates for the duration of its execution. If the script exits without calling Stop(), then the END { } block of the module will check to see of Stop() has been called, and if not, it will call it.

        Expire( );

The Expire() routine lets us explicitly expire a cache file, even if it has not aged beyond its time to live. This routine simply unlinks the cache file to delete it. Depending on your CGI script, there may be an occasion where you will want to do this.

You can also supply a cache file name to this routine to specifically nuke a particular cache file.

ExpireLRU( [<ttl>] );
        ExpirLRU( [<ttl> = 24*60*60] );
          <ttl>       - number of seconds threshold to expire the
                        least recent used files. Default = 24hrs.

The ExpireLRU() routine lets you delete a set of cache files that have not been accessed for some amount of time. You pass the age, in seconds, for the threshold to determine whether or not a file should be expired. Each cache file's last access time is consulted using (stat($file))[8]. If the current time minus this time is greater than the threshold, then the file is unlinked. This routine returns a list of files that were unlinked, which may be undef, if no files were removed.

The cache root directory is the directory that is searched for candidates to delete. Recall that you can affect the root directory by calling any of SetRoot(), SetFile(), or Start().


This module works by regurgitating the cache file to real STDOUT upon normal exit of the process. If the process terminates abnormally, two things may happen: 1) the cache file may have only part of STDOUT cached which affects subsequent visits, 2) the cache file may not be regurgitated upon the abnornal termination of the process.

If your processes are exiting abnormally, you may have bigger problems, or need some signal handling. I'll take suggestions if there is something that can be done here.

This code expects path delimiters to be a '/' character, as is with unix systems.

Contact for bug reports and suggestions.


Copyright (c) 1998 Broc Seib. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


$Id:,v 1.4 1998/06/26 17:51:53 bseib Exp $


 perldoc -f open