Mail::JMAPTalk - Basic interface to talk to JMAP Servers


Version 0.15


Mail::JMAPTalk was originally written as a very small wrapper around HTTP::Tiny to talk to a JMAP server and mapping between Perl hashes and JSON on the wire.

It doesn't do anything smart with specific JMAP objects.


use Mail::JMAPTalk;
use JSON;

# using basic auth
my $jtalk = Mail::JMAPTalk->new(
    url => "",
    user => "foo\",
    password => "letmein",

# using non-standard JMAPAuth token establishment
my $jtalk = Mail::JMAPTalk->new(
    url => "",
$jtalk->Login("foo\", "letmein");

my $res = $jtalk->Call('Mailbox/get');
my %byname = map { $_->{name} -> $_->{id} } @{$res->{ids});

my $data = $jtalk->Upload($emailbytes, 'message/rfc822');
$res = $jtalk->CallMethods([['Email/import', {
    emails => {
        "1" => {
            blobId => $data->{blobId},
            keywords => { '$seen' => JSON::true },
            mailboxIds => { $byname{Inbox} => JSON::true },
}, "R1"], ["Email/get", { ids => ["#1"] }, "R2" ]]);
# all properties of the email in $res->[1][1]{list}[0]

my $response = $jtalk->Download($res->[1][1]{accountId}, $data->{blobId});



Create a new Mail::JMAPTalk object.

Takes options for a variety of purposes:

Override the UserAgent used for all connections:

* ua => HTTP::Tiny->new(...)

Host Options:

* scheme => 'http' or 'https' (default 'http')
* host => hostname (default 'localhost')
* port => port number (default 443 for https, otherwise 80)

URI Options: (absolute URI, or use options above to set the scope)

* authurl => auth endpoint (default '/jmap/auth/')
* uploadurl => upload endpoint (default '/jmap/upload/{accountId}/')
* downloadurl => download endpoint (default '/jmap/download/{accountId}/{blobId}/{name}')
* url => JMAP API endpoint (default '/jmap/')

Authentication Options: (basic auth)

* user => $username
* password => $password

Request Defaults:

* using => \@urns (default ['urn:ietf:params:jmap:core', 'urn:ietf:params:jmap:mail'])

my $ua = $Self->ua();


Get or set the useragent (HTTP::Tiny or compatible) that will be used to make the requests:


my $ua = $Self->ua();

$Self->ua(HTTP::Tiny->new(agent => "MyAgent/1.0", timeout => 5));

my $header = $Self->auth_header();

Returns the basic-auth value for the 'Authentication' header.

my $uri = $Self->authuri();

Returns the URI for JMAPAuth authentication (non-standard). Default depends on the parameters passed to new. Most simple would be:


my $uri = $Self->uploaduri($accountId);

Returns the URI for JMAP uploads. Default depends on the parameters passed to new. Most simple would be:


my $uri = $Self->downloaduri($accountId, $blobId, $name);

Returns the URI for JMAP downloads. Default depends on the parameters passed to new. Most simple would be:


Where name is utf8 and uri encoded to be safe.

my $uri = $Self->uri()

Returns the URI for JMAP API Calls. Default depends on the parameters passed to new. Most simple would be:


my $uri = $Self->JSONPOST($Uri, $Request, %Headers)

Makes a POST request to the given URI with the body being the value of $Request (which must be a reference) encoded as JSON, and with the Headers added.

Will set Content-Type and Accept headers to 'application/json' unless overridden.

Generally you won't call this directly, but through one of the helper methods.

This method will die if the response is not successful or does not contain valid json.

$Self->AuthRequest($Request, %Headers)

Makes a JSONPOST request to the authurl.

$Self->Login($Username, $Password)

Uses the non-standard JMAPAuth protocol to login.

On success will set the upload, download and api urls as well as a token which is used to authenticate all further requests.

On failure will die.

$Self->Request($Request, %Headers)

Makes a JSONPOST request to the API url, authenticated with either the basic auth parameters given at creation, or the token obtained via Login.

my $using = $Self->DefaultUsing()


Returns or replaces the default 'using' value for method calls.


Appends any urns given to the default 'using' if they aren't already registered.

$Self->CallMethods($MethodCalls, $Using, %Headers)

Generates a JMAP request from the given method calls, optionally overriding the using and header values.

MethodCalls is an array of arrays, each of the sub arrays is a single "Invocation" per RFC8620 as follows:

3.2.  The Invocation Data Type

Method calls and responses are represented by the *Invocation* data
type.  This is a tuple, represented as a JSON array containing three

1.  A "String" *name* of the method to call or of the response.

2.  A "String[*]" object containing named *arguments* for that method
    or response.

3.  A "String" *method call id*: an arbitrary string from the client
    to be echoed back with the responses emitted by that method call
    (a method may return 1 or more responses, as it may make implicit
    calls to other methods; all responses initiated by this method
    call get the same method call id in the response).

In perl, this is [string, hashref, string].


my $res = $jtalk->CallMethods([
    ['Email/query', { }, 'R1'],
    ['Email/get', {
        '#ids' => {
            resultOf => 'R1',
            name => 'Email/query',
            path => '/ids'
        properties => [ 'subject', 'header:x-mood:asText', 'from', 'to' ],
    }, 'R2'],

The response is an arrayref containing the value of methodResponses from the JSON reply defined in JMAP.

This method will die if the server returns an error or invalid JSON.

$Self->Call($Method, $Params, $Using, %Headers)

A convenience method to call a single method. This method generates a single invocation with call id 'c1' and will return undef unless the first response from the server has the same method name (i.e. is not an error) and the same call id.

The return value is the response section (middle field) of the first methodResponse Invocation object.


my $res = $jtalk->Call('Calendar/get', { properties => ['name'] });
my %byname = map { $_->{name} => $_->{id} } @{$res->{list}};

$Self->Upload($data, $mimetype, $accountId)

Uploads the bytes in $data with either the given mimetype or if the mimetype is not given, the type picked by File::LibMagic.

The POST request is authenticated with either the basic auth parameters given at creation, or the token obtained via Login.

If called in scalar context, will die unless the request was successful - and returns a hashref with the content returned by the server as defined in RFC8620:

A successful request MUST return a single JSON object with the
following properties as the response:

o  accountId: "Id"

   The id of the account used for the call.

o  blobId: "Id"

   The id representing the binary data uploaded.  The data for this
   id is immutable.  The id *only* refers to the binary data, not any

o  type: "String"

   The media type of the file (as specified in [RFC6838],
   Section 4.2) as set in the Content-Type header of the upload HTTP

o  size: "UnsignedInt"

   The size of the file in octets.

If called in array context, returns two values - the first is the raw HTTP::Tiny response hash, and the second is the JSON as above.


my ($Response, $data) = $jtalk->Upload($bytes);
if ($Response->{success}) {
    say "Uploaded $data->{size} bytes as $data->{blobId}";

$Self->Download($cb?, $Headers?, $accountId, $blobId, $name)

Makes a GET request authenticated with either the basic auth parameters given at creation, or the token obtained via Login.

If the first argument is a code reference, it will be shifted and used as the data_callback (see HTTP::Tiny).

Then - if the first argument is a hash reference, it will be shifted and used as additional headers.

Then - the remaining parameters are passed to $Self->downloadurl() to generate the link to download.

The response is a HTTP::Tiny Response object.


my $res = $jtalk->Download($accountId, $data->{blobId}, "image.gif");
if ($res->{success}) {
    open(FH, ">image.gif");
    print FH $res->{content};


If the environment variable DEBUGJMAP is set to a true value, all API requests and responses plus Upload responses will be warn()ed.

SEE ALSO - protocol documentation and client guide.


Bron Gondwana, <brong@>


Copyright (C) 2015-2020 by Fastmail Pty Ltd.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.20.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.