Data::Pointer - Implementation of the concept of C pointers for perl data types


  use Data::Pointer qw(ptr);

  my $var = [ qw( a list of words ) ];
  my $ptr = ptr( $var );

  print $ptr->plus(1)->deref;           # listofwords
  print scalar $ptr->plus(1)->deref;    # list

  $ptr->deref = "foo";                  # $var->[0] eq 'foo'


Have you ever used pointers in C? Well then using this module should be pretty straight-forward. It implements the basic set of pointer operations which I thought to be useful. Currently 4 of the basic perl data types are implemented (which are SCALAR, ARRAY, HASH and IO[1]) and should behave in an intuitive manner which is also documented in their respective docs.

[1] IO is really a GLOB at this point, although eventually I'd like to implement GLOB pointers if it's at all feasible



The class constructor method (see. mutant for the object constructor method) It takes arguments in the form of key value pairs and takes the following parameters

value   => What the pointer will be pointing, doesn't have to be a reference
type    => The type of pointer e.g SCALAR
subtype => The subtype of the type of pointer e.g CHAR
size    => Amount of memory to allocate (NOTE: not currently used)
fatal   => If set, the program will die if a pointer goes out of bounds

Will mutate the object according to the given parameters


ptr($val[, %options])

A wrapper around new(). Just provide it with a value and it'll return the correct pointer object.

char_ptr($string[, %options])

Creates a character pointer


Dan Brook <>


K&R, Tie::File


Copyright (c) 2002, Dan Brook. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.