Changes for version 1.10

  • deprecate 'automount' config, introduce 'mount' in its place
  • deprecate K::M::Symbiosis::Test, introduce KelpX::Symbiosis::Test
  • KelpX::Symbiosis::Test class now offers a 'wrap' method for easier setup
  • Symbiosis must now be loaded before any module that uses it
  • child modules should now have a 'name' method, returning their name
  • child modules now register themselves into 'loaded' method (hash)
  • child modules can now specify 'mount' in their config
  • 'mount' method now also allows mounting modules by their name
  • mounting the same object in many paths will now only call its 'run' once
  • update and improve test cases
  • maintenance work


Manage an entire ecosystem of Plack organisms under Kelp
Base class for symbiotic modules
DEPRECATED, use KelpX::Symbiosis::Test
Allow testing symbiotic environments using Kelp::Test