Devel::hdb::App::Eval - Evaluate data in the debugged program's context


Registers routes for evaluating arbitrary Perl code and for inspecting variables in the debugged program.


POST /eval

Evaluate a string of Perl code in the context of the debugged process. The Perl code to evaluate is in the body of the POST request.

The code is evaluated in the content of the nearest stack frame that is not part of the debugger.

POST /getvar

This route requires 2 parameters: l Number of stack frames above the current one v Name of the variable, including the sigil

Searches the requested stack frame for the named variable. 0 is the currently executing stack frame, 1 is the frame above that, etc. The variable must include the sigil, and may be a more complicated expression indicating a portion of a composite value. For example: $scalar A simple scalar value @array The entire array $array[1] One element of the array $hash{key1} One element of the hash @array[1,2] Array slice @hash{key1,key2} Hash slice @array[1 .. 2] Array slice with a range


Devel::hdb, Padwalker


Anthony Brummett <>


Copyright 2013, Anthony Brummett. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.