The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

package Command::V2; # additional methods to produce documentation, TODO: turn into a real view
use strict;
use Term::ANSIColor qw();
require Text::Wrap;
# This is changed with "local" where used in some places
$Text::Wrap::columns = 100;
# Required for color output
eval {
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
binmode STDERR, ":utf8";
sub help_brief {
my $self = shift;
if (my $doc = $self->__meta__->doc) {
return $doc;
else {
my @parents = $self->__meta__->ancestry_class_metas;
for my $parent (@parents) {
if (my $doc = $parent->doc) {
return $doc;
return "no description!!!: define 'doc' in the class definition for "
. $self->class;
sub help_synopsis {
my $self = shift;
return '';
sub help_detail {
my $self = shift;
return "!!! define help_detail() in module " . ref($self) || $self . "!";
sub sub_command_category {
sub sub_command_sort_position {
# override to do something besides alpha sorting by name
return '9999999999 ' . $_[0]->command_name_brief;
# LEGACY: poorly named
sub help_usage_command_pod {
return shift->doc_manual(@_);
# LEGACY: poorly named
sub help_usage_complete_text {
sub doc_help {
my $self = shift;
my $command_name = $self->command_name;
my $text;
my $extra_help = '';
my @extra_help = $self->_additional_help_sections;
while (@extra_help) {
my $title = shift @extra_help || '';
my $content = shift @extra_help || '';
$extra_help .= sprintf(
Term::ANSIColor::colored($title, 'underline'),
# standard: update this to do the old --help format
my $synopsis = $self->help_synopsis;
my $required_inputs = $self->help_options(is_optional => 0, is_input => 1);
my $required_outputs = $self->help_options(is_optional => 0, is_output => 1);
my $required_params = $self->help_options(is_optional => 0, is_param => 1);
my $optional_inputs = $self->help_options(is_optional => 1, is_input => 1);
my $optional_outputs = $self->help_options(is_optional => 1, is_output => 1);
my $optional_params = $self->help_options(is_optional => 1, is_param => 1);
my @parts;
push @parts, Term::ANSIColor::colored('USAGE', 'underline');
push @parts,
' ',
' ',
Term::ANSIColor::colored($self->command_name, 'bold'),
$self->_shell_args_usage_string || '',
push @parts,
( $synopsis
? sprintf("%s\n%s\n", Term::ANSIColor::colored("SYNOPSIS", 'underline'), $synopsis)
: ''
push @parts,
( $required_inputs
? sprintf("%s\n%s\n", Term::ANSIColor::colored("REQUIRED INPUTS", 'underline'), $required_inputs)
: ''
push @parts,
( $required_params
? sprintf("%s\n%s\n", Term::ANSIColor::colored("REQUIRED PARAMS", 'underline'), $required_params)
: ''
push @parts,
( $optional_inputs
? sprintf("%s\n%s\n", Term::ANSIColor::colored("OPTIONAL INPUTS", 'underline'), $optional_inputs)
: ''
push @parts,
( $optional_params
? sprintf("%s\n%s\n", Term::ANSIColor::colored("OPTIONAL PARAMS", 'underline'), $optional_params)
: ''
push @parts,
( $required_outputs
? sprintf("%s\n%s\n", Term::ANSIColor::colored("REQUIRED OUTPUTS", 'underline'), $required_outputs)
: ''
push @parts,
( $optional_outputs
? sprintf("%s\n%s\n", Term::ANSIColor::colored("OPTIONAL OUTPUTS", 'underline'), $optional_outputs)
: ''
push @parts,
Term::ANSIColor::colored("DESCRIPTION", 'underline'),
_pod2txt($self->help_detail || '')
push @parts,
( $extra_help ? $extra_help : '' );
$text = sprintf(
return $text;
sub parent_command_class {
my $class = shift;
$class = ref($class) if ref($class);
my @components = split("::", $class);
return if @components == 1;
my $parent = join("::", @components[0..$#components-1]);
return $parent if $parent->can("command_name");
sub doc_sections {
my $self = shift;
my @sections;
my $command_name = $self->command_name;
my $version = do { no strict; ${ $self->class . '::VERSION' } };
my $help_brief = $self->help_brief;
my $datetime = $self->__context__->now;
my ($date,$time) = split(' ',$datetime);
push(@sections, UR::Doc::Section->create(
title => "NAME",
content => "$command_name" . ($help_brief ? " - $help_brief" : ""),
format => "pod",
push(@sections, UR::Doc::Section->create(
title => "VERSION",
content => "This document " # separated to trick the version updater
. "describes $command_name "
. ($version ? "version $version " : "")
. "($date at $time)",
format => "pod",
my $synopsis = $self->command_name . ' ' . $self->_shell_args_usage_string . "\n\n" . $self->help_synopsis;
if ($synopsis) {
push(@sections, UR::Doc::Section->create(
title => "SYNOPSIS",
content => $synopsis,
format => 'pod'
my $required_args = $self->help_options(is_optional => 0, format => "pod");
if ($required_args) {
push(@sections, UR::Doc::Section->create(
content => "=over\n\n$required_args\n\n=back\n\n",
format => 'pod'
my $optional_args = $self->help_options(is_optional => 1, format => "pod");
if ($optional_args) {
push(@sections, UR::Doc::Section->create(
content => "=over\n\n$optional_args\n\n=back\n\n",
format => 'pod'
my $manual = $self->_doc_manual_body || $self->help_detail;
push(@sections, UR::Doc::Section->create(
title => "DESCRIPTION",
content => $manual,
format => 'pod',
my @extra_help = $self->_additional_help_sections;
while (@extra_help) {
my $title = shift @extra_help || '';
my $content = shift @extra_help || '';
push (@sections, UR::Doc::Section->create(
title => $title,
content => $content,
format => 'pod'
if ($self->can("doc_sub_commands")) {
my $sub_commands = $self->doc_sub_commands(brief => 1);
if ($sub_commands) {
push(@sections, UR::Doc::Section->create(
title => "SUB-COMMANDS",
content => $sub_commands,
format => "pod",
my @footer_section_methods = (
'LICENSE' => '_doc_license',
'AUTHORS' => '_doc_authors',
'CREDITS' => '_doc_credits',
'BUGS' => '_doc_bugs',
'SEE ALSO' => '_doc_see_also'
while (@footer_section_methods) {
my $header = shift @footer_section_methods;
my $method = shift @footer_section_methods;
my @txt = $self->$method;
next if (@txt == 0 or (@txt == 1 and not $txt[0]));
my $content;
if (@txt == 1) {
$content = $txt[0];
} else {
$content = join("\n", @txt);
push(@sections, UR::Doc::Section->create(
title => $header,
content => $content,
format => "pod",
return @sections;
sub doc_sub_commands {
my $self = shift;
sub doc_manual {
my $self = shift;
my $pod = $self->_doc_name_version;
my $synopsis = $self->command_name . ' ' . $self->_shell_args_usage_string . "\n\n" . $self->help_synopsis;
my $required_args = $self->help_options(is_optional => 0, format => "pod");
my $optional_args = $self->help_options(is_optional => 1, format => "pod");
$pod .=
? "=head1 SYNOPSIS\n\n" . $synopsis . "\n\n"
: ''
. (
? "=head1 REQUIRED ARGUMENTS\n\n=over\n\n" . $required_args . "\n\n=back\n\n"
: ''
. (
? "=head1 OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS\n\n=over\n\n" . $optional_args . "\n\n=back\n\n"
: ''
my $manual = $self->_doc_manual_body;
my $help = $self->help_detail;
if ($manual or $help) {
$pod .= "=head1 DESCRIPTION:\n\n";
my $txt = $manual || $help;
if ($txt =~ /^\=/) {
# pure POD
$pod .= $manual;
else {
$txt =~ s/\n/\n\n/g;
$pod .= $txt;
#$pod .= join('', map { " $_\n" } split ("\n",$txt)) . "\n";
$pod .= $self->_doc_footer();
$pod .= "\n\n=cut\n\n";
return "\n$pod";
sub _doc_name_version {
my $self = shift;
my $command_name = $self->command_name;
my $pod;
# standard: update this to do the old --help format
my $synopsis = $self->command_name . ' ' . $self->_shell_args_usage_string . "\n\n" . $self->help_synopsis;
my $help_brief = $self->help_brief;
my $version = do { no strict; ${ $self->class . '::VERSION' } };
my $datetime = $self->__context__->now;
my ($date,$time) = split(' ',$datetime);
$pod =
. "\n\n=head1 NAME"
. "\n\n"
. $self->command_name
. ($help_brief ? " - " . $self->help_brief : '')
. "\n\n";
$pod .=
"\n\n=head1 VERSION"
. "\n\n"
. "This document " # separated to trick the version updater
. "describes " . $self->command_name;
if ($version) {
$pod .= " version " . $version . " ($date at $time).\n\n";
else {
$pod .= " ($date at $time)\n\n";
return $pod;
sub _doc_manual_body {
return '';
sub help_header {
my $class = shift;
return sprintf("%s - %-80s\n",
sub help_options {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $format = delete $params{format};
my @property_meta = $self->_shell_args_property_meta(%params);
my @data;
my $max_name_length = 0;
for my $property_meta (@property_meta) {
my $param_name = $self->_shell_arg_name_from_property_meta($property_meta);
if ($property_meta->{shell_args_position}) {
$param_name = uc($param_name);
#$param_name = "--$param_name";
my $doc = $property_meta->doc;
my $valid_values = $property_meta->valid_values;
my $example_values = $property_meta->example_values;
unless ($doc) {
# Maybe a parent class has documentation for this property
eval {
foreach my $ancestor_class_meta ( $property_meta->class_meta->ancestry_class_metas ) {
my $ancestor_property_meta = $ancestor_class_meta->property_meta_for_name($property_meta->property_name);
if ($ancestor_property_meta and $doc = $ancestor_property_meta->doc) {
if (!$doc) {
if (!$valid_values) {
$doc = "(undocumented)";
else {
$doc = '';
if ($valid_values) {
$doc .= "\nvalid values:\n";
for my $v (@$valid_values) {
$doc .= " " . $v . "\n";
$max_name_length = length($v)+2 if $max_name_length < length($v)+2;
chomp $doc;
if ($example_values && @$example_values) {
$doc .= "\nexample" . (@$example_values > 1 and 's') . ":\n";
$doc .= join(', ',
map { ref($_) ? Data::Dumper->new([$_])->Terse(1)->Dump() : $_ } @$example_values
$max_name_length = length($param_name) if $max_name_length < length($param_name);
my $param_type = $property_meta->data_type || '';
if (defined($param_type) and $param_type !~ m/::/) {
$param_type = ucfirst(lc($param_type));
my $default_value;
if (defined($default_value = $property_meta->default_value)
|| defined(my $calculated_default = $property_meta->calculated_default)
) {
unless (defined $default_value) {
$default_value = $calculated_default->()
if ($param_type eq 'Boolean') {
$default_value = $default_value ? "'true'" : "'false' (--no$param_name)";
} elsif ($property_meta->is_many && ref($default_value) eq 'ARRAY') {
if (@$default_value) {
$default_value = "('" . join("','",@$default_value) . "')";
} else {
$default_value = "()";
} else {
$default_value = "'$default_value'";
$default_value = "\nDefault value $default_value if not specified";
push @data, [$param_name, $param_type, $doc, $default_value];
if ($param_type eq 'Boolean') {
push @data, ['no'.$param_name, $param_type, "Make $param_name 'false'" ];
my $text = '';
for my $row (@data) {
if (defined($format) and $format eq 'pod') {
$text .= "\n=item " . $row->[0] . ($row->[1]? ' I<' . $row->[1] . '>' : '') . "\n\n" . $row->[2] . "\n". ($row->[3]? $row->[3] . "\n" : '');
elsif (defined($format) and $format eq 'html') {
$text .= "\n\t<br>" . $row->[0] . ($row->[1]? ' <em>' . $row->[1] . '</em>' : '') . "<br> " . $row->[2] . ($row->[3]? "<br>" . $row->[3] : '') . "<br>\n";
else {
$text .= sprintf(
" %s\n%s\n",
Term::ANSIColor::colored($row->[0], 'bold'), # . " " . $row->[1],
" ", # 1st line indent,
" ", # all other lines indent,
$row->[3] || '',
return $text;
sub _doc_footer {
my $self = shift;
my $pod = '';
my @method_header_map = (
'LICENSE' => '_doc_license',
'AUTHORS' => '_doc_authors',
'CREDITS' => '_doc_credits',
'BUGS' => '_doc_bugs',
'SEE ALSO' => '_doc_see_also'
while (@method_header_map) {
my $header = shift @method_header_map;
my $method = shift @method_header_map;
my @txt = $self->$method;
next if (@txt == 0 or (@txt == 1 and not $txt[0]));
if (@txt == 1) {
my @lines = split("\n",$txt[0]);
$pod .= "=head1 $header\n\n"
. join(" \n", @lines)
. "\n\n";
else {
$pod .= "=head1 $header\n\n"
. join("\n ",@txt);
$pod .= "\n\n";
return $pod;
sub _doc_license {
return '';
sub _doc_authors {
return ();
sub _doc_credits {
return '';
sub _doc_bugs {
return '';
sub _doc_see_also {
return ();
sub _shell_args_usage_string {
my $self = shift;
return eval {
if ( $self->isa('Command::Tree') ) {
return '...';
elsif ($self->can("_execute_body") eq __PACKAGE__->can("_execute_body")) {
return '(no execute!)';
elsif ($self->__meta__->is_abstract) {
return '(no sub commands!)';
else {
return join(
" ",
map {
} $self->_shell_args_property_meta()
sub _shell_args_usage_string_abbreviated {
my $self = shift;
my $detailed = $self->_shell_args_usage_string;
if (length($detailed) <= 20) {
return $detailed;
else {
return substr($detailed,0,17) . '...';
sub sub_command_mapping {
my ($self, $class) = @_;
return if !$class;
no strict 'refs';
my $mapping = ${ $class . '::SUB_COMMAND_MAPPING'};
if (ref($mapping) eq 'HASH') {
return $mapping;
} else {
sub command_name {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
my $prepend = '';
# There can be a hash in the command entry point class that maps
# root level tools to classes so they can be in a different location
# ...this bit of code considers that misdirection:
my $entry_point_class = $Command::entry_point_class;
my $mapping = $self->sub_command_mapping($entry_point_class);
for my $k (%$mapping) {
my $v = $mapping->{$k};
if ($v && $v eq $class) {
my @words = grep { $_ ne 'Command' } split(/::/,$class);
return join(' ', $self->_command_name_for_class_word($words[0]), $k);
if (defined($entry_point_class) and $class =~ /^($entry_point_class)(::.+|)$/) {
$prepend = $Command::entry_point_bin;
$class = $2;
if ($class =~ s/^:://) {
$prepend .= ' ';
my @words = grep { $_ ne 'Command' } split(/::/,$class);
my $n = join(' ', map { $self->_command_name_for_class_word($_) } @words);
return $prepend . $n;
sub command_name_brief {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
my @words = grep { $_ ne 'Command' } split(/::/,$class);
my $n = join(' ', map { $self->_command_name_for_class_word($_) } $words[-1]);
return $n;
sub color_command_name {
my $text = shift;
my $colored_text = [];
my @COLOR_TEMPLATES = ('red', 'bold red', 'magenta', 'bold magenta');
my @parts = split(/\s+/, $text);
for(my $i = 0 ; $i < @parts ; $i++ ){
push @$colored_text, ($i < @COLOR_TEMPLATES) ? Term::ANSIColor::colored($parts[$i], $COLOR_TEMPLATES[$i]) : $parts[$i];
return join(' ', @$colored_text);
sub _base_command_class_and_extension {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
return ($class =~ /^(.*)::([^\:]+)$/);
sub _command_name_for_class_word {
my $self = shift;
my $s = shift;
$s =~ s/_/-/g;
$s =~ s/^([A-Z])/\L$1/; # ignore first capital because that is assumed
$s =~ s/([A-Z])/-$1/g; # all other capitals prepend a dash
$s =~ s/([a-zA-Z])([0-9])/$1$2/g; # treat number as begining word
$s = lc($s);
return $s;
sub _pod2txt {
my $txt = shift;
my $output = '';
my $parser = Pod::Simple::Text->new;
return $output;
sub _additional_help_sections {