submit_clipart - command-line program for submitting clipart to a document management system.
submit_clipart file.svg [file2.svg dir/ ...]
-h, --help Prints a brief help message
-m, --man Displays full man page
-D, --debug=integer Prints debug messages
-V, --version Prints version information
-s, --server URL of the dms server
-r, --resource URI for the service
submit_clipart - This program is a client-side tool for submitting files to a remote document repository via SOAP. Specifically, it's used for submitting SVG clipart to the Open Clip Art Library. :-)
It takes as arguments a list of SVG files or directories containing SVG files. (It only submits files with the .svg extension.)
- -V, --version
Displays the version number of the script and exits.
- -h, --help
Displays a brief usage message
- --man
Displays the man page
- -D num, --debug=num
Prints debug messages. The higher num, the more detailed the debug messages will be.
- -s server_url, --server=server_url
The URL of the Document::Manager server to connect to. By default, it uses 'http://localhost:8012'.
- -r resource_uri, --resource=resource_uri
The URI of the service provided by the server. By default, it uses ''. Users should not typically need to alter this setting.
SOAP::Lite, Pod::Usage, Getopt::Long
Bryce W. Harrington <bryce at bryceharrington dot com>
Copyright (C) 2004 Bryce W. Harrington. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $