stp-request - submits a test request to the system
stp-request [options] add request.xml [request2.xml ...]
stp-request [options] cancel ID [ID ...]
stp-request [options] get ID
stp-request [options] change ID request.xml
stp-request allows performing various operations on the test queue. The user can add, get, cancel, or change test runs from the commandline.
Tests are added or edited via a test request input file using the 'add' command. The user then submits the test request to the testing service to be queued and run.
Via the 'cancel' command, the user may be able to cancel the request. Generally, only queued tests can be canceled. A user can only cancel their own tests.
The 'get' command causes the given test request number to be retrieved. This retrieves the test request in the correct format for re-submitting the test.
The 'change' command enables making alterations to the test request. This can only be used on queued test requests. Once the test has begun running, no changes are allowed.
Hopefully, your needs are straightforward enough that this script can be used as-is for requesting tests.
However, in the real world you may want to do something fancier. You can probably get a lot of mileage out of wrapping this script with a shell script to automate the generation of the test request files. But if this is not enough, you are quite encouraged to hack up this script to suit your fancy.
Test requests are submitted to the server as a hash map data structure through SOAP. The format of this data structure is documented in WebService::TestSystem::Request. Or if you're feeling lazy, just run Data::Dumper on the output of parse_input_xml() and inspect it. In brief, it consists of some general data items such as the test to run and who you are, plus a list of software (including patched software) to be installed, plus any special commandline parameters to pass to the test code.
If you wish to generate a large queue of test requests, you may want to code up some loops to generate and submit these request structures directly. Look at the 'add' command handler for how to send these to the SOAP server.
- -V, --version
Displays the version number of the script and exits.
- -h, --help
Displays a brief usage message
- --man
Displays the man page
- -s server_url, --server=server_url
The URL of the WebService::TestSystem server to connect to. By default, it uses 'http://localhost'.
- -r resource_uri, --resource=resource_uri
The URI of the service provided by the server. By default, it uses ''. Users should not typically need to alter this setting.
- debug = NUM
Print debug messages. The larger the number, the more verbose the debug messages will be (typical range is 0-5).
SOAP::Lite, Pod::Usage, Getopt::Long
Bryce Harrington <>
Copyright (C) 2004 Open Source Development Labs All Rights Reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Revision: $Revision: 1.5 $