XMLBuilder - Build Win32::GUIs using XML
use XMLBuilder;
This module allows Win32::GUIs to be built using XML. For examples on usage please look in samples/ directory.
XMLBuilder will parse an XML file or string that contains elements that describe a Win32::GUI object.
All XML documents must be enclosed in <GUI>..</GUI> elements and each separate GUI window must be enclosed in <Window>..</Window> elements. To create a N-tier window system one might use a construction similar to: -
<Window name="W_1">
<Window name="W_2">
<Window name="W_N">
Elements can additionally be supplemented with attributes that describe its corresponding Win32::GUI object's properties such as top, left, height and width. These properties usually include those provided as standard in each Win32::GUI class. I.e.
<Window height="200" width="200" title="My Window"/>
Elements that require referencing in your code should be given a name attribute. An element with attribute: -
<Button name="MyButton"/>
can be called as $GUI{'name'} and event subroutines called using MyButton_Click.
Attributes can contain Perl code or variables and generally any attribute that contains a '$' symbol or begins with 'WS_' will be evaluated. This is useful when one wants to create dynamically sizing windows: -
left='0' top='0'
width='400' height='200'
top='$GUI{W}->ScaleHeight-$GUI{S}->Height' left='0'
width='$GUI{W}->ScaleWidth' height='$GUI{S}->Height'
Win32::GUI::XMLBuilder will autogenerate an _Resize subroutine by reading in values for top, left, height and width. This will work sufficiently well provided you use values that are dynamic such as $GUI{PARENT_WIDGET}->Width, $GUI{PARENT_WIDGET}->Height for width, height attributes respectively.
Most Win32::GUI widgets are supported and general type widgets can added without any modification being added to this module.
- Win32::GUI::XMLBuilder::build($xml_string)
Parses $xml_string and constructs a Win32::GUI from its attributes.
- Win32::GUI::XMLBuilder::buildfile("file.xml")
Parses "file.xml" and constructs a Win32::GUI from its attributes.
- <Script>
The <Script> element is parsed before an GUI construction and is useful for defining subroutines and global variables. Variables must be declared using 'our' keyword to be accessible in <Script> elements.
- <Icon>
The <Icon> element allows you to specify an Icon for your program.
<Icon file="myicon.ico" name='MyIcon' />
- <Font>
Allows you to create a font for use in your program.
<Font name='Bold' size='8' face='Arial' bold='1' italic='0' />
You might call this in a label element using something like this: -
<label text='some text' font='$GUI{Bold}' ... />.
- <Class>
You can create a <Class> element,
<Class name='MyClass' icon='$GUI{MyIcon}'/>
that can be applied to a <Window .. class='$GUI{MyClass}'>
- <Menu>
Creates a menu system. The amount of '>'s prefixing a label specifies the menu items depth. A label '-' (includes '>-', '>>-', etc) creates a separator line.
<Menu name='PopupMenu'> <Item label='ContextMenu' sub='0'/> <Item label='>Cut' sub='OnEditCut'/> <Item label='>Copy' sub='OnEditCopy'/> <Item label='>Paste' sub='OnEditPaste'/> <item label='>-' sub='0' /> <Item label='>Select All' sub='SelectAll'/> </Menu>
See the menus.xml example in the samples/ directory.
- <Window>
The <Window> element creates a top level widget. In addition to standard Win32::GUI::Window attributes it also has 'show'. This tells the XMLBuilder to make the Window visible on startup.
<Window show='1' ... />
- <TabFrame>
Uses Laurent Rocher's Win32::GUI::TabFrame module. A Tab strip can be created using the following structure: -
<TabFrame ...> <Item name='P0' text='Zero'> <Label text='Tab 1' .... /> </Item> <Item name='P1' text='One'> <Label text='Tab 2' .... /> ..other elements, etc... </Item> </TabFrame>
See the example in the samples/ directory.
- <TreeView>
Creates a TreeView. These can be nested deeply using the sub element <Item>. Please look at the example in the samples/ directory.
<TreeView ..> <Item .. /> <Item ..> <Item .. /> <Item .. /> etc... </item> ... </TreeView>
- <Combobox>
Generate a combobox with drop down items specified with the <Items> elements. In addition to standard attributes for Win32::GUI::Combobox there is also a 'dropdown' attribute that automatically sets the 'style' to 'WS_VISIBLE|2'. In 'dropdown' mode an <Item> element has the additional attribute 'default'.
- <Rebar>
See rebar.xml example in samples/ directory.
- Generic Elements
Any widget not explicitly mentioned above can be generated by using its name as an element id. For example a Button widget can be created using: -
<Button name='B' text='Push Me' left='20' top='0' width='80' height='20' />
3 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 124:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'
- Around line 263:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'
- Around line 265:
=over without closing =back