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Wiki::Gateway - library for interacting with remote wikis


use Wiki::Gateway;

$result = Wiki::Gateway::getPage('', $wiki_type, 'SandBox');

$result = Wiki::Gateway::putPage('', $wiki_type, 'SandBox', $page_source_text);

$timestamp = Wiki::Gateway::daysAgoToDate(1); $result = Wiki::Gateway::getRecentChanges('',$wiki_type, $timestamp);

$result = Wiki::Gateway::getAllPages('',$wiki_type);

# to check if there was an error, and to see what it was if so: if (Wiki::Gateway::getLastExceptionType()) { print Wiki::Gateway::getLastExceptionType() . "\n"; }


Wiki::Gateway allows you to interact with remote wikis. It presents a unified API for interfacing with a variety of different wiki engines. It allows you to read, to write, to get RecentChanges, and to get a list of all pages on the target wiki.

Right now, WikiGateway supports (i.e. knows how to talk to) the following wiki engines:

 * MoinMoin             
     $wiki_type = "moinmoin1"
 * UseMod version 1.0         
     $wiki_type = "usemod1"
 * Some older UseMod versions (tested on .91) 
     $wiki_type = "usemod1"
 * OddMuse                    
     $wiki_type = "oddmuse1"
 * Any wiki which provides the WikiRPCInterface2 XMLRPC interface
     $wiki_type = "xmlrpc2"


Wiki::Gateway is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Wiki::Gateway is copyright (c) 2004-2005 Bayle Shanks.


 Bayle Shanks
 L. M. Orchard
 David Jacoby

 (see CREDITS.txt for more detail)

To get help, email the WikiGateway users' mailing list:


Wiki::Gateway is part of a suite of related programs, including a command-line client, a Python API, an Atom gateway server which can act as a proxy for a wiki, an XML-RPC gateway server, a WebDAV gateway server, and more. See for more information.

############################### # sorry this file is not commented very well yet # basically, it wraps the Python WikiGateway # package using Inline::Python. # # The black magic stuff is where we # wrap each Python method in order to trap Python exceptions # so that the Perl caller # has a way to see what the exception was. ###############################

use Inline::Python qw(py_study_package py_bind_func py_call_function);

############################### # "new" ###############################

sub new { my $proto = shift; my ($wikiURL, $wikiType) = @_;

    $obj = WikiGatewayConstructor($wikiURL, $wikiType);

    return $obj;

########################################################################### ########################################################################### ########################################################################### # misc packaging stuff ########################################################################### ###########################################################################

BEGIN { use Exporter (); our ($VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK, %EXPORT_TAGS);

    my @LIST_OF_ALL_WIKIGATEWAY_API_SUBROUTINES = qw(&getRecentChanges &getRPCVersionSupported &getPage &getPageHTML &getPageHTMLVersion &getAllPages &getPageInfo &getPageInfoVersion &listLinks &putPage &daysAgoToDate &daysSinceDate);

    # set the version for version checking
    @ISA         = qw(Exporter);
    @EXPORT      = qw();
    %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 
                     ALL => 

    # your exported package globals go here,
    # as well as any optionally exported functions


use Inline Python => <<'END_OF_PYTHON_CODE';

from WikiGateway import WikiGateway as WikiGatewayConstructor import WikiGateway as WikiGatewayModule from WikiGateway import * import sys

class lastExceptionClass: def __init__(self): = None pass

lastException = lastExceptionClass()

def _method_substitute(method, *args, **keywords): = None try: result = method(*args, **keywords) return deUnicodeRecursive(result) # workaround for a bug # in Inline::Python except: = sys.exc_info() #print[1] return -1 #raise sys.exc_info()[1]

def _method_substitute_factory(method): def m(*args, **keywords): return _method_substitute(method, *args, **keywords) return m

def call_method(obj, methodName, args, keywords): method = getattr(obj, methodName) return _method_substitute(method, *args, **keywords)

def getattr(*args, **keywords): return __builtins__.getattr(*args, **keywords)

def getLastExceptionType(): if return[0]

def make_list_of_methods(obj): import types return [itemName for itemName in dir(obj) if type(getattr(obj, itemName)) == types.UnboundMethodType or type(getattr(obj, itemName)) == types.FunctionType]

def hook_obj(classobj): fnList = make_list_of_methods(classobj) for fnName in fnList: method = getattr(classobj, fnName) setattr(classobj, fnName, _method_substitute_factory(method))

def import_methods_into_global_namespace(obj): fnList = make_list_of_methods(obj) for fnName in fnList: cmd = 'global %s\n' % fnName cmd += '%s = obj.%s' % (fnName, fnName) exec(cmd)

def recursiveMap_sequences_dicts(data, baseCasePredicate, operation): ''' NOTE: if the structure has cycles (aside from sequences whose subsequences are themselves, such as single-character strings), this will not halt ''' if baseCasePredicate(data): return operation(data)

    import types
    if type(data) == types.DictType:
      for key in data.keys():
        item = data[key]

        newItem = recursiveMap_sequences_dicts(item, baseCasePredicate, operation)

        newKey = recursiveMap_sequences_dicts(key, baseCasePredicate, operation) 

        # "if newKey != key:" doesn't catch unicode difference; 
        # so instead of introducing a new predicate, 
        # let's just always change the key
        del data[key]
        data[newKey] = newItem

        for index, item in enumerate(data):
          if item == data:
            return data
          data[index] = recursiveMap_sequences_dicts(item,  baseCasePredicate, operation)        
      except TypeError:
        return data

    return data

def deUnicode(data): import types if type(data) == types.UnicodeType: return data.encode('ascii','replace') else: return data

def deUnicodeRecursive(data): ''' De-unicodes recursive structures involving only lists and dicts ''' import types

    return recursiveMap_sequences_dicts(
                                        lambda data: (type(data) == types.UnicodeType),

### "hook_obj" for globals from WikiGateway package import types fnList = [itemName for itemName in globals().keys() if type(globals()[itemName]) == types.UnboundMethodType or type(globals()[itemName]) == types.FunctionType]

fnList = filter(lambda x: x in dir(WikiGatewayModule), fnList)

for fnName in fnList: method = globals()[fnName] globals()[fnName] = _method_substitute_factory(method)