#! /usr/local/bin/perl
=head1 UMLS-Interface
This program takes in a semantic type (ST) and returns its definition
=head1 USAGE
Usage: getStDef.pl [OPTIONS] <semantic type>
=head1 INPUT
=head2 Required Arguments:
=head3 <semantic type>
Semantic type (ST) from the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)
=head2 Optional Arguments:
=head3 --username STRING
Username is required to access the umls database on MySql
unless it was specified in the my.cnf file at installation
=head3 --password STRING
Password is required to access the umls database on MySql
unless it was specified in the my.cnf file at installation
=head3 --hostname STRING
Hostname where mysql is located. DEFAULT: localhost
=head3 --socket STRING
The socket your mysql is using. DEFAULT: /tmp/mysql.sock
=head3 --database STRING
Database contain UMLS DEFAULT: umls
=head4 --help
Displays the quick summary of program options.
=head4 --version
Displays the version information.
=head1 OUTPUT
List of CUIs that are associated with the input term
=item * Perl (version 5.8.5 or better) - http://www.perl.org
=head1 AUTHOR
Bridget T. McInnes, University of Minnesota
Copyright (c) 2007-2008,
Bridget T. McInnes, University of Minnesota
bthomson at cs.umn.edu
Ted Pedersen, University of Minnesota Duluth
tpederse at d.umn.edu
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to:
The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# ================================
# ================================
GetOptions( "version", "help", "username=s", "password=s", "hostname=s", "database=s", "socket=s", "config=s" );
# if help is defined, print out help
if( defined $opt_help ) {
$opt_help = 1;
# if version is requested, show version
if( defined $opt_version ) {
$opt_version = 1;
# At least 1 CUI should be given on the command line.
if(scalar(@ARGV) < 1) {
print STDERR "No term was specified on the command line";
my $database = "umls";
if(defined $opt_database) { $database = $opt_database; }
my $hostname = "localhost";
if(defined $opt_hostname) { $hostname = $opt_hostname; }
my $socket = "/tmp/mysql.sock";
if(defined $opt_socket) { $socket = $opt_socket; }
my $umls = "";
if(defined $opt_username and defined $opt_password and defined $opt_config) {
$umls = UMLS::Interface->new({"driver" => "mysql",
"database" => "$database",
"username" => "$opt_username",
"password" => "$opt_password",
"hostname" => "$hostname",
"socket" => "$socket",
"config" => "$opt_config"});
die "Unable to create UMLS::Interface object.\n" if(!$umls);
($errCode, $errString) = $umls->getError();
die "$errString\n" if($errCode);
elsif(defined $opt_username and defined $opt_password) {
$umls = UMLS::Interface->new({"driver" => "mysql",
"database" => "$database",
"username" => "$opt_username",
"password" => "$opt_password",
"hostname" => "$hostname",
"socket" => "$socket"});
die "Unable to create UMLS::Interface object.\n" if(!$umls);
($errCode, $errString) = $umls->getError();
die "$errString\n" if($errCode);
elsif(defined $opt_config) {
$umls = UMLS::Interface->new({"config" => "$opt_config"});
die "Unable to create UMLS::Interface object.\n" if(!$umls);
($errCode, $errString) = $umls->getError();
die "$errString\n" if($errCode);
else {
$umls = UMLS::Interface->new();
die "Unable to create UMLS::Interface object.\n" if(!$umls);
($errCode, $errString) = $umls->getError();
die "$errString\n" if($errCode);
my $st = shift;
my $def = $umls->getStDef($st);
print "The definition of the semantic type ($st):\n";
print "=> $def\n";
sub errorCheck
my $obj = shift;
($errCode, $errString) = $obj->getError();
print "ERRORCHECK: $errCode ($errString)\n";
print STDERR "$errString\n" if($errCode);
exit if($errCode > 1);
# function to output minimal usage notes
sub minimalUsageNotes {
print "Usage: queryCui.pl [OPTIONS] CUI \n\n";
# function to output help messages for this program
sub showHelp() {
print "This is a utility that takes as input a semantic type\n";
print "and returns its definition.\n\n";
print "Usage: getStDef.pl [OPTIONS] <semantic type>\n\n";
print "Options:\n\n";
print "--username STRING Username required to access mysql\n\n";
print "--password STRING Password required to access mysql\n\n";
print "--hostname STRING Hostname for mysql (DEFAULT: localhost)\n\n";
print "--database STRING Database contain UMLS (DEFAULT: umls)\n\n";
print "--socket STRING Socket used by mysql (DEFAULT: /tmp.mysql.sock)\n\n";
print "--config FILE Configuration file\n";
print "--version Prints the version number\n\n";
print "--help Prints this help message.\n\n";
# function to output the version number
sub showVersion {
print '$Id: getStDef.pl,v 1.2 2009/01/08 20:17:59 btmcinnes Exp $';
print "\nCopyright (c) 2008, Ted Pedersen & Bridget McInnes\n";
# function to output "ask for help" message when user's goofed
sub askHelp {
print STDERR "Type getStDef.pl --help for help.\n";