
This program finds the least common subsumer between two concepts.
This program returns the maximum depth of a given CUI or term.
This program returns the minimum depth of a given CUI or term.
This program returns all possible paths from a given CUI to the root.
This program finds the shoretest path between two concepts.
This program returns the table names that were created by the UMLS-Interface package
This program returns all of a concepts children.
This program returns the definition of a concept or a term.
This program returns all of a concepts parents.
This programs returns all CUIs of a given relation.
This program returns all of a concepts relations.
This program returns the definition of a semantic type.
This program returns a concepts semantic type(s).
This program returns the table names associated with a specified configuration file.
This program returns all associated terms of a concept in the MRCONSO table with their associated source.
This program returns all associated terms of a concept.
This program returns all the CUIs of a term.
This program removes the temporary table and associated files that are created based on the configuration file.
This program marks problematic relations defined by the user.


Perl interface to the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)