Changes for version 0.03
- Instead of using Crypt::DSA for signature verification, the signature verification is now done inline using Math::BigInt. Math::BigInt has a plugin architecture allowing multiple math libraries to be used under the hood, and provides plugins for using both GMP and Pari. It also has a pure-Perl implementation that will work without any external math libraries. See Math::BigInt::GMP and Math::BigInt::Pari.
- Added ability to override the LWP::UserAgent-like object used to retrieve the public key from the network. Thanks to Brad Fitzpatrick for the patch.
- Use Class::ErrorHandler instead of replicating functionality. Thanks to Tim Appnel for the patch.
- $tk->key_cache can now be a CODE reference, allowing a callback to fetch the key from a MySQL database, session, or otherwise. Thanks to Tim Appnel for the patch.
TypeKey authentication verification