Crypt::OpenPGP also requires at least one public-key implementation; it may require more, depending on what types of keys you use in your other PGP applications. Each public-key implementation may depend on a Crypt:: module from the CPAN. You may already have the necessary module(s) installed, in which you don't need to bother with this step. Otherwise you'll need to select a public-key implementation to use with Crypt::OpenPGP. Please choose at least one from the following list (DSA and ElGamal are the defaults).
MSG my $i = 1; for my $pk (@pkmod) { printf " [%d] %s\n", $i++, $pk->[0]; } my $c = prompt("\nEnter your choices, separated by spaces:", '1 2'); print "\n";
for my $id (split /\s+/, $c) { next unless $pkmod[$id-1]->[1]; $prereq{ $pkmod[$id-1]->[1] } = '0'; }