Changes for version 0.67
- now use _mp_linearize in _rsa_private_decrypt.
- fixed bug with sending large STDIN packets. The symptom was that, when trying to send STDIN packets larger than MAX_PACKET_SIZE, you'd get an error and the packet wouldn't be sent. Thanks to Chris Beatson ( for the spot and a patch.
- fixed odd bug with _mp_linearize. Aaron Paetznick ( pointed this out, and I could only reproduce it on his system. The symptoms were that encryption would not work, resulting in "Corrupted check bytes on input" messages after encryption was turned on. This was due to a problem generating the session ID. Fixed by using a whole new version of _mp_linearize.
Perl client Interface to SSH
Base authentication class, plus utility methods
Password authentication plugin
Perform RSA authentication
Perform Rhosts authentication
Perform Rhosts-RSA authentication
Low-level read/write buffer class
Base cipher class, plus utility methods
Wrapper for SSH Blowfish support
CBC Implementation
CFB Implementation
Wrapper for SSH DES support
Wrapper for SSH 3DES support
Wrapper for SSH IDEA support
Load and manage SSH configuration
Exportable constants
Packet layer of SSH protocol
Shared utility functions