Changes for version 1.19
- open2 interface now works with a shell, not just with running a remote command. This allows you to open up some sort of shell (Unix or otherwise) and talk to it directly, programatically. Thanks to Rob J for the idea.
- Added Auth::ChallengeResponse, a generic SSH-1 challenge response authentication mechanism; this works for TIS, s/key, and other such mechanisms. Thanks to Surya Koneru for the idea.
Perl client Interface to SSH
Client for agent authentication
Base authentication class, plus utility methods
Keyboard-interactive auth plugin
Password authentication plugin
Perform publickey authentication
Perform RSA authentication
Perform Rhosts authentication
Perform Rhosts-RSA authentication
Authentication manager/context for SSH-2
Low-level read/write buffer class
SSH2 channel object
Manages a list of open channels
Base cipher class, plus utility methods
Wrapper for SSH Blowfish support
CBC Implementation
CFB Implementation
Wrapper for SSH DES support
Wrapper for SSH 3DES support
Wrapper for SSH IDEA support
RC4 encryption/decryption
Compression/Decompression base class
Wrapper for SSH Zlib Compression
Load and manage SSH configuration
Exportable constants
SSH2 Key Exchange
Diffie-Hellman Group 1 Key Exchange
Public or private key abstraction
DSA key object
RSA key object
RSA SSH1 key object
MAC support for SSH2
Packet layer of SSH protocol
SSH1 implementation
SSH2 implementation
Shared utility functions
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Auth/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Cipher/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Handle/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Handle/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/