Changes for version 1.22

  • Fixed bug with channel window sizes: Net::SSH::Perl in SSH-2 mode was not respecting the server's channel window size, and was sending data indiscriminately. It now buffers data to be sent and sends it when the sshd has enough window space available. Thanks to Megan Dorrah (and others) for the spot.
  • Fix receiving STDERR in SSH-2 protocol. This was broken. Thanks to Ulrich Scheid for the spot (and to Sagar Shah and Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado for subsequent spots :).
  • Added Channel::drain_outgoing, necessitated by the above fix to window sizes; that fix meant that output buffers were not being drained before EOF was sent on the channel. drain_outgoing must now be called before EOF is sent; it continually sends outgoing data, and checks for increased window sizes, until there is no more data to send. This will be done automatically, of course.
  • Display SSH-2 BANNER messages during authentication if the session is interactive.
  • Net::SSH::Perl::Packet now uses the third argument to syswrite (LENGTH). This was necessary to make the module work in Perl 5.005_2, apparently. Thanks to Brian Carpenter for the spot.
  • Added -2 and -1 options (SSH-2 and SSH-1, respectively) to eg/pscp.


Perl client Interface to SSH
Client for agent authentication
Base authentication class, plus utility methods
Keyboard-interactive auth plugin
Password authentication plugin
Perform publickey authentication
Perform RSA authentication
Perform Rhosts authentication
Perform Rhosts-RSA authentication
Authentication manager/context for SSH-2
Low-level read/write buffer class
SSH2 channel object
Manages a list of open channels
Base cipher class, plus utility methods
Wrapper for SSH Blowfish support
CBC Implementation
CFB Implementation
Wrapper for SSH DES support
Wrapper for SSH 3DES support
Wrapper for SSH IDEA support
RC4 encryption/decryption
Compression/Decompression base class
Wrapper for SSH Zlib Compression
Load and manage SSH configuration
Exportable constants
SSH2 Key Exchange
Diffie-Hellman Group 1 Key Exchange
Public or private key abstraction
DSA key object
RSA key object
RSA SSH1 key object
MAC support for SSH2
Packet layer of SSH protocol
SSH1 implementation
SSH2 implementation
Shared utility functions


in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Auth/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Cipher/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Handle/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Handle/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/
in lib/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/