Math::Primality - Advanced Primality Algorithms using GMP
Version 0.03_03
use Math::Primality qw/:all/;
my $t1 = is_pseudoprime($x,$base);
my $t2 = is_strong_pseudoprime($x);
print "Prime!" if is_prime($outrageously_large_prime);
my $t3 = next_prime($x);
Math::Primality implements is_prime() and next_prime() as a replacement for Math::PARI::is_prime(). It uses the GMP library through Math::GMPz. The is_prime() method is actually a Baillie-PSW primality test which consists of two steps:
Perform a strong Miller-Rabin probable prime test (base 2) on N
Perform a strong Lucas-Selfridge test on N (using the parameters suggested by Selfridge)
At any point the function may return 2 which means N is definitely composite. If not, N has passed the strong Baillie-PSW test and is either prime or a strong Baillie-PSW pseudoprime. To date no counterexample (Baillie-PSW strong pseudoprime) is known to exist for N < 10^15. Baillie-PSW requires O((log n)^3) bit operations. See for a more thorough introduction to the Baillie-PSW test. Also see for a more theoretical introduction to the Baillie-PSW test.
Returns true if $n is a base $b pseudoprime, otherwise false. The variable $n should be a Perl integer or Math::GMPz object.
The default base of 2 is used if no base is given. Base 2 pseudoprimes are often called Fermat pseudoprimes.
if ( is_pseudoprime($n,$b) ) {
# it's a pseudoprime
} else {
# not a psuedoprime
A pseudoprime is a number that satisfies Fermat's Little Theorm, that is, $b^ ($n - 1) = 1 mod $n.
Returns true if $n is a base $b strong pseudoprime, false otherwise. The variable $n should be a Perl integer or a Math::GMPz object. Strong psuedoprimes are often called Miller-Rabin pseudoprimes.
The default base of 2 is used if no base is given.
if ( is_strong_pseudoprime($n,$b) ) {
# it's a strong pseudoprime
} else {
# not a strong psuedoprime
A strong pseudoprime to $base is an odd number $n with ($n - 1) = $d * 2^$s that either satisfies
$base^$d = 1 mod $n
$base^($d * 2^$r) = -1 mod $n, for $r = 0, 1, ..., $s-1
The second condition is checked by sucessive squaring $base^$d and reducing that mod $n.
Returns true if $n is a strong Lucas-Selfridge pseudoprime, false otherwise. The variable $n should be a Perl integer or a Math::GMPz object.
if ( is_strong_lucas_pseudoprime($n) ) {
# it's a strong Lucas-Selfridge pseudoprime
} else {
# not a strong Lucas-Selfridge psuedoprime
# i.e. definitely composite
If we let
$D be the first element of the sequence 5, -7, 9, -11, 13, ... for which ($D/$n) = -1. Let $P = 1 and $Q = (1 - $D) /4
U($P, $Q) and V($P, $Q) be Lucas sequences
$n + 1 = $d * 2^$s + 1
Then a strong Lucas-Selfridge pseudoprime is an odd, non-perfect square number $n with that satisfies either
U_$d = 0 mod $n
V_($d * 2^$r) = 0 mod $n, for $r = 0, 1, ..., $s-1
($d/$n) refers to the Legendre symbol.
Returns 2 if $n is definitely prime, 1 is $n is a probable prime, 0 if $n is composite.
if ( is_prime($n) ) {
# it's a prime
} else {
# definitely composite
is_prime() is implemented using the BPSW algorithim which is a combination of two probable-prime algorithims, the strong Miller-Rabin test and the strong Lucas-Selfridge test. While no psuedoprime has been found for N < 10^15, this does not mean there is not a pseudoprime. A possible improvement would be to instead implement the AKS test which runs in quadratic time and is deterministic with no false-positives.
The strong Miller-Rabin test is implemented by is_strong_pseudoprime(). The strong Lucas-Selfridge test is implemented by is_strong_lucas_pseudoprime().
We have implemented some optimizations. We have an array of small primes to check all $n <= 257. According to if $n < 9,080,191 is a both a base-31 and a base-73 strong pseudoprime, then $n is prime. If $n < 4,759,123,141 is a base-2, base-7 and base-61 strong pseudoprime, then $n is prime.
Given a number, produces the next prime number.
my $q = next_prime($n);
Each next greatest odd number is checked until one is found to be prime
Checking of primality is implemented by is_prime()
Given a number, produces the previous prime number.
my $q = prev_prime($n);
Each previous odd number is checked until one is found to be prime. prev_prime(2) or for any number less than 2 returns undef
Checking of primality is implemented by is_prime()
Returns the number of primes less than or equal to $n.
my $count = prime_count(1000); # $count = 168
my $bigger_count = prime_count(10000); # $bigger_count = 1229
This is implemented with a simple for loop. The Meissel, Lehmer, Lagarias, Miller, Odlyzko method is considerably faster. A paper can be found at that describes this method in rigorous detail.
Checking of primality is implemented by is_prime()
Jonathan Leto, <jonathan at>
Bob Kuo, <bobjkuo at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-math-primality at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
The algorithms in this module have been ported from the C source code in by Thomas R. Nicely, available at or in the spec/bpsw directory of the Math::Primality source code. Without his research this module would not exist.
The Math::GMPz module that interfaces with the GMP C-library was written and is maintained by Sysiphus. Without his work, our work would be impossible.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Math::Primality
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Copyright 2009 Jonathan Leto, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.