Changes for version 0.49_08 - 2007-12-15
- => Each subclass is now in it's own file. Monolithic module is no more. => Internal cleanup.
Changes for version 0.49_07 - 2007-12-09
- => Output buffer variable names are now randomly generated. All public interface (and Pod) related to this has now been removed. => Exporter is back. But with different export keys. => Internal cleanup. => New subclassing tests.
Changes for version 0.49_06 - 2007-12-02
- => Improved I/O Layer handling. => Pod fix.
Changes for version 0.49_05 - 2007-12-01
- => Code cleanup. => Removed IS_DEBUG(). => Removed Exporter. => Removed old code. => Restored verbose error message when there is a compilation error.
Changes for version 0.49_04 - 2007-11-30
- => Added a "check" option to map_keys. => Code cleanup.
Changes for version 0.49_03 - 2007-11-28
- => Added delimiter escaping (request from Bastian Friedrich). => Replaced the parser with a new sleek & sexy tokenizer. => Unbalanced delimiter error now gives the type of missing one.
Changes for version 0.49_02 - 2007-11-04
- => Fixed a typo in Text::Template::Simple::Caller::_text_table(); => All distro files now has LF line ending. => Added 'caller' to permit list of safe mode.
Changes for version 0.49_01 - 2007-11-04
- => Added a caller stack dumper. => Fixed Win32 compatibility (again).
Simple text template engine
in lib/Text/Template/Simple/
in lib/Text/Template/Simple/
in lib/Text/Template/Simple/Compiler/
in lib/Text/Template/Simple/
in lib/Text/Template/Simple/
in lib/Text/Template/Simple/
in lib/Text/Template/Simple/