# ABSTRACT: HiD GitRepository Class
use Moose;
use File::ShareDir ':ALL';
use JSON;
use strict;
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
has 'git_dir' => (is => 'ro', isa=> 'Str', default=>"");
has 'gitcmd' => (is => 'rw', isa=>'Str', default=>'git');
has 'bare' => (is => 'rw', default=>0);
has 'name' => (is => 'rw', isa=>'Str');
has 'branches' => (is => 'rw', default => sub{return [];});
has 'languages' => (is => 'rw', default => sub{return [];});
sub isGit
my $self = shift;
return 0 unless -d $self->git_dir();
if (-d $self->git_dir . "/.git")
return 1;
my $help=readpipe($self->gitcmd() . ' rev-parse --git-dir 1>/dev/null 2> /dev/null;echo $?');
if ($help == 0)
return 1;
return 0;
sub parse_branches
my $self = shift;
my $help = readpipe($self->gitcmd() . " show-ref --dereference");
my @lines = split /\n/, $help;
for my $line (@lines)
if ($line =~ m!^([0-9a-fA-F]{40})\srefs/(.*)$!) {
my $branch = {
name => $2,
ref => $1
if ($branch->{name} !~ /^tags/ && $branch->{name} !~ /^remote/)
sub hasBranch
my $self = shift;
my $branch= shift;
for my $b (@{$self->branches})
if ($b->{name} eq $branch)
return 1;
return 0;
sub getBranchRef
my $self = shift;
my $branch = shift;
for my $b (@{$self->branches})
if ($b->{name} eq $branch)
return $b->{ref};
sub getFileRef
my $self = shift;
my $branch = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $help = readpipe($self->gitcmd() . " ls-tree " . $branch . " " . $file);
if ($help =~ /^([0-9]+) (.+) ([0-9a-fA-F]{40})\t(.+)$/)
return $3;
sub hasMetaData
my $self = shift;
return 0 unless $self->hasBranch("heads/metadata");
sub tags {
my $self = shift;
my @tags;
return [] unless $self->hasMetaData;
my $ref = $self->getFileRef("metadata","tags");
warn("No tags file found in metadata branch (". $self->git_dir .")") unless $ref;
return unless $ref;
my $help = readpipe($self->gitcmd() . " cat-file blob " . $ref);
my @lines = split /\n/,$help;
for my $line (@lines)
push(@tags, $line);
return @tags;
sub description {
my $self = shift;
my @tags;
return [] unless $self->hasMetaData;
my $ref = $self->getFileRef("metadata","description");
warn("No description file found in metadata branch (". $self->git_dir .")") unless $ref;
return unless $ref;
my $help = readpipe($self->gitcmd() . " cat-file blob " . $ref);
return $help;
sub hasLanguage
my $self = shift;
my $lang = shift;
for my $l (@{$self->languages})
if ($l eq $lang)
return 1;
return 0;
sub parse_languages
my $self = shift;
my $shared = dist_dir('HiD-Generator-GitRepositories');
# only parse programming languages if metadata is available
return unless $self->hasMetaData();
my $json_text = do {
open(my $json_fh, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $shared."/extensions.json")
or die("Can't open \$filename\": $!\n");
local $/;
my $extensions=from_json($json_text);
for my $b (@{$self->branches})
#get all files of current branch
my $help = readpipe($self->gitcmd() . " ls-tree " . $b->{name} . " -r" );
my @lines = split /\n/,$help;
for my $l (@lines)
if ($l =~ /^([0-9]+) (.+) ([0-9a-fA-F]{40})\t(.+)$/)
my $filename = fileparse($4);
my $extension=$1;
if ($extension=~/\S+/) {
for my $ee (@{$extensions})
if ($ee->{type} eq "programming") {
for my $e (@{$ee->{extensions}})
if ($e eq $extension)
push(@{$self->languages}, $ee->{name}) unless $self->hasLanguage($ee->{name});
sub lastActivity
my $self = shift;
my $help = readpipe($self->gitcmd() . " for-each-ref --format=\'%(committer)\' --sort=-committerdate --count=1" );
if ( $help=~ / (\d+) [-+][01]\d\d\d$/)
my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $1 );
return $dt->month_name . " " . $dt->day . " " . $dt->year;
sub lastChange
my $self = shift;
my $help = readpipe($self->gitcmd() . " for-each-ref --format=\'%(committer)\' --sort=-committerdate --count=1" );
if ( $help=~ / (\d+) ([-+][01]\d\d\d)$/)
my $tz=DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => 'local' );
my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $1 , time_zone=>$tz);
return $dt;
sub lastChangeBranch
my $self = shift;
my $branch = shift || "heads/master";
my $help = readpipe($self->gitcmd() . " for-each-ref --format=\'%(refname) %(committer)\' --sort=-committerdate | grep \"" . $branch ."\"");
if ( $help=~ / (\d+) [-+][01]\d\d\d$/)
my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $1 );
return $dt;
sub getFileLog
my $self = shift;
my $branch = shift || "master";
my $file = shift || ".";
my $nr = shift || 20;
my $skip = shift || 0;
my @log;
my $help = readpipe(" LC_ALL=C " . $self->gitcmd() . " log --follow --date=raw --max-count=" . $nr . " --skip=" .$skip . " " . $branch . " -- " .$file);
my @lines = split /\n/,$help;
my %entry;
my $start_comment=0;
for my $line (@lines)
if ($line =~ /^commit\s([a-fA-F0-9]+)/)
my $commit = $1;
if (defined($entry{commit}))
push(@log, \%entry);
if ($line =~ /^Author:\s(.*)\s<(.*)>$/)
if ($line =~/^Date:\s+(\d+)/)
if ($line=~/^\s*$/ && $start_comment==0)
elsif ($line=~/^\s*$/ && $start_comment==1)
elsif ($start_comment == 1)
$entry{comment} .= $line;
return @log;
sub getTree
my $self = shift;
my $branch = shift || "master";
my $root = shift;
my @tree;
my $help = readpipe($self->gitcmd() . " ls-tree " . $branch . " " . $root);
my @lines = split /\n/,$help;
for my $l (@lines)
$l =~ /^([0-9]+) (.+) ([0-9a-fA-F]{40})\t(.+)$/;
my $path = $4;
my $type = $2;
my $name = fileparse($path);
my @log = $self->getFileLog($branch, $path, 1, 0);
my $entry={
type => $type,
ref => $3,
path => $path,
name => $name,
mode => $1,
commit => $log[0]
push(@tree, $entry);
return @tree;
sub getBlob
my $self = shift;
my $ref = shift;
my $help = readpipe($self->gitcmd() . " cat-file blob " . $ref);
return $help;
# subroutine to parse information from the git repository after calling new
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
die("directory parameter missing (" .$self->git_dir . " )") unless length($self->git_dir())>0;
die("directory does not exist (".$self->git_dir . " )") unless -d $self->git_dir();
die("directory is not a git repository (" .$self->git_dir . " )") unless $self->isGit();
#update gitcmd attribute
$self->gitcmd($self->gitcmd . ' --git-dir='.$self->git_dir());
if ($self->bare()==0)
$self->gitcmd($self->gitcmd . "/.git");
# set the repository name
# parse all available branches
sub generate {
my( $self , $site ) = @_;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
HiD::Generator::GitRepositories::GitRepository - HiD GitRepository Class
=head1 VERSION
version 0.2
=head2 git_dir
the path to the git directory
=head2 gitcmd
the full path to the git command
=head2 bare
is the git repository a bare repository
=head2 name
the name of the repository
=head2 branches
all the available branches
=head2 languages
all the languages used in the repository
=head1 METHODS
=head2 isGit
tests if the given directory is a valid git repository
=head2 parse_branches
parses all the available branches
=head2 hasBranch
method search for a specific branch
=head2 getBranchRef
return the reference of a specific branch
=head2 getFileRef
return the reference to a file in a branch
=head2 hasMetaData
checks of a metadata branch exist and information is available
=head2 tags
returns all the tags for this repository
=head2 description
returns the short description of the repository
=head2 hasLanguage
checks if the project has this kind of programming language
=head2 languages
returns an array of programming languages used within the repository
=head2 lastActivity
returns a string with last activity information
=head2 lastChange
returns a DateTime object identifying the last commit within the repository
=head2 lastChangeBranch
returns a DateTime object identifying the last change in a branch
=head2 getFileLog
return log entries of a specific branch and file
=head2 getTree
return the tree of the given branch and root
=head2 getBlob
return the blob of a file reference
=head1 AUTHOR
Dominik Meyer <dmeyer@federationhq.de>
This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by Dominik Meyer.
This is free software, licensed under:
The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991