Time::RTM - Run-time metrics stats


use Time::RTM;

my $rtm = new Time::RTM logfile => '/tmp/rtm.log';

  my $_r = $rtm->begin_scope( 'DB/SELECT/CARS_MAP' );
  # do work, select tables :)
# end of scope:
# $_r stats will be recorded internally into $rtm and $_r discarded

# you can force recording of stats with deleting $_r before end of scope:
undef $_r;
# or:

# $_r can be restarted with new stats:

# to write down currently recorded stats to the logfile:

# which will also flush current data and will record new one
$rtm->begin_scope( 'HANDLERS/h_select/TRIPS' );
# etc.

# you can also access anytime the internal log and send it somewhere else:
my $rtm_array_ref = $rtm->get_data();
# then save @$rtm_array_ref to a database or send tp a dot matrix printer
# you also can flush it after save and continue using $rtm with new data:
@$rtm_array_ref = ();
$rtm->begin_scope( 'FILE/IO' );

# to view stats from the logfile:
# in a shell prompt:
perl -MTime::RTM::Report -e 'rtm_report_main(@ARGV)' -- /tmp/rtm.log

# to get help:
perl -MTime::RTM::Report -e 'rtm_report_main(@ARGV)' -- -h

# or create small perl,
          use strict;
          use Time::RTM::Report;
# then: -l 3 -p DB/SELECT -s MS /tmp/rtm.log
# will printf report of all DB/SELECT branches, up to level 3 with 
# sorting by median speed, see " -h" for more details

# sample report looks like:
| METRIC KEY PATH        | COUNT | TIME       | MED      | MED/sec       |
| NETWORK                | 21441 | 272.743691 | 0.000491 |   2036.659878 |
|     SOCK_REQUEST       |  7249 |  92.968934 | 0.000478 |   2092.050209 |
|     SOCK_RESPONSE      |  6943 |   0.834674 | 0.000067 |  14925.373134 |
| MAIN_LOOP              |  6943 |  79.945274 | 0.000195 |   5128.205128 |
|     PROCESS_XT_MSG     |  6943 |  79.945274 | 0.000195 |   5128.205128 |
|         CONNECT        |   306 |  75.680687 | 0.245800 |      4.068348 |
|         SELECT         |   317 |   0.924200 | 0.002907 |    343.997248 |
|         LANG           |   306 |   0.098311 | 0.000297 |   3367.003367 |
|         NEXT           |  4738 |   0.867704 | 0.000171 |   5847.953216 |
| HANDLERS               |  6628 |  79.287188 | 0.000127 |   7874.015748 |
|     h_connect          |   306 |  75.634023 | 0.245563 |      4.072275 |
|     h_update           |    12 |   0.038996 | 0.003227 |    309.885342 |
|         TASKS          |     6 |   0.019931 | 0.003396 |    294.464075 |
|         ZZ_SESSIONS    |     6 |   0.019065 | 0.003227 |    309.885342 |
|     h_select           |   317 |   0.838763 | 0.002643 |    378.357927 |
|         TASKS          |     4 |   0.011384 | 0.003209 |    311.623559 |
|         CERTS          |     6 |   0.014033 | 0.002339 |    427.533134 |
|         TRIPS          |     3 |   0.002698 | 0.001012 |    988.142292 |
|     h_finish           |   317 |   0.009083 | 0.000027 |  37037.037037 |
| DB                     | 14635 |   9.172849 | 0.000086 |  11627.906977 |
|     INSERT             |     3 |   0.005676 | 0.001802 |    554.938957 |
|         CARS_MAP       |     3 |   0.005676 | 0.001802 |    554.938957 |
|     SELECT             |  6200 |   8.692144 | 0.001143 |    874.890639 |
|         TASKS          |     4 |   0.007903 | 0.001705 |    586.510264 |
|         USER_DATA      |  1224 |   1.386472 | 0.000938 |   1066.098081 |
|         CARS_MAP       |  1224 |   1.253929 | 0.000826 |   1210.653753 |
|     UPDATE             |     7 |   0.008143 | 0.001111 |    900.090009 |
|         CARS_SIDS      |     7 |   0.008143 | 0.001111 |    900.090009 |
|     FREEID             |     6 |   0.006308 | 0.000970 |   1030.927835 |
|         TASKS          |     3 |   0.004149 | 0.001324 |    755.287009 |
+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ -p DB/SELECT -s MS /tmp/rtm.log
| METRIC KEY PATH        | COUNT | TIME       | MED      | MED/sec       |
| DB                     | 14635 |   9.172849 | 0.000086 |  11627.906977 |
|     SELECT             |  6200 |   8.692144 | 0.001143 |    874.890639 |
|         TASKS          |     4 |   0.007903 | 0.001705 |    586.510264 |
|         USER_DATA      |  1224 |   1.386472 | 0.000938 |   1066.098081 |
|         CARS_MAP       |  1224 |   1.253929 | 0.000826 |   1210.653753 |
+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ -p DB -l 2 -s MS /tmp/rtm.log
| METRIC KEY PATH        | COUNT | TIME       | MED      | MED/sec       |
| DB                     | 14635 |   9.172849 | 0.000086 |  11627.906977 |
|     INSERT             |     3 |   0.005676 | 0.001802 |    554.938957 |
|     SELECT             |  6200 |   8.692144 | 0.001143 |    874.890639 |
|     UPDATE             |     7 |   0.008143 | 0.001111 |    900.090009 |
|     FREEID             |     6 |   0.006308 | 0.000970 |   1030.927835 |

# get dispersion graph for metric-path -p DB/SELECT -r /tmp/rtm.log
status: option: dispersion graph requested
status: option: metric path set to [DB/SELECT]
| DTIME    | OPS/sec     | PERCENT | FREQUENCY                           |
| 0.000143 | 6993.006993 |    67.0 | *********************************** |
| 0.001585 |  630.914826 |    28.4 | **************                      |
| 0.003028 |  330.250991 |     4.1 | **                                  |
| 0.004470 |  223.713647 |     0.2 |                                     |
| 0.005913 |  169.118891 |     0.1 |                                     |


This module records time slices used by pieces of code. More docs to follow :)


git clone


Vladi Belperchinov-Shabanski "Cade"

<> <>


This software is (c) 2024 by Vladi Belperchinov-Shabanski <> <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.