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use strict;
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors( qw/ operator comp / );
sub check{
my ($self)=@_;
my $result=0;
my $request=$self->request;
my $op='';
my $comp_val;
my $val=$request->{ $self->name };
$op= $self->operator;
$comp_val = $self->comp ;
if (($op eq "eq") or ($op eq "ne")) {
if ($val and $op and $comp_val ){
my $equation=$val." ".$op." ".$comp_val ;
return 1 if( eval($equation) );
return 0;
sub message{
my ($self)=@_;
return $self->text;
=head1 HTML::TurboForm::Constraint::Equation
Representation class for Equation constraint.
The equation constraint is supposed to be used whenever two values are to be compared.
You have to give it the perl operator (ne, eq, <,>, whatever) and the two values to be compared via the params hash.
Straight forward so no need for much documentation. See HTML::TurboForm doku for mopre details.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 check
Arguments: none
returns 1 if valid, otherwise 0.
=head2 message
Arguments: none
returns Errormessage of Element which is connected to constraint.
=head1 AUTHOR
Thorsten Domsch, tdomsch@gmx.de