<title>Yote Unit Tests</title>
.fail { color:red }
.pass { color:green }
body { background-color:wheat }
<script src="../js/jquery-latest.js"></script>
<script src="../js/jquery.dumper.js"></script>
<script src="../js/jquery.base64.min.js"></script>
<script src="../js/json2.js"></script>
<script src="../js/yote.js"></script>
var tests = 0;
var failed = 0;
function fail( test ) {
return function(d) {
$('#tests').append( "<span class=fail>FAILED : </span>" + test + '<BR>' );
function pass( test ) {
return function(d) {
$('#tests').append( "<span class=pass>PASSED : </span>" + test + '<BR>' );
function is( result, expected, msg ) {
if( result === expected ) {
pass( msg )();
else {
fail( msg + "( expected " + expected + " and got " + result +")" )();
function ok( result, msg ) {
if( result === true ) {
pass( msg )();
else {
fail( msg )();
function wrap_up() {
if( failed > 0 ) {
$('#results').append( "Failed " + failed + " tests out of " + tests );
} else {
$('#results').append( "Passed all " + tests + " tests" );
/* check
* account creation ^
* removing account ^
* login ^
* app fetching ^
* object methods ^
* returned scalar ^
* array
* hash
* object
// init yote
$.yote.init( "http://"+location.host+"/cgi-bin/dev/yote.cgi" );
//fetch app that doesn't require login and get scalar
var nologin = $.yote.get_app( 'Yote::TestAppNoLogin' );
var scalar = nologin.get_scalar( {}, {failhandler:fail("no login scalar returned")});
if( typeof scalar !== 'object' && scalar === 'BEEP' ) { pass("no login scalar")(); }
else { fail( "no login scalar has wrong result" )() }
//fetch app that requires login and get scalar
var login = $.yote.get_app( 'Yote::TestAppNeedsLogin' );
var scalar = login.get_scalar( {}, {passhandler:fail("required login returned scalar without login"),
failhandler:pass("required login returned nothingwithout login")});
// account creation.
$.yote.create_account( 'unit_test_account', 'ut', 'nobody@fenowyn.com', pass("create account"), fail("create account") );
$.yote.create_account( 'unit_test_account', 'ut', 'zobody@fenowyn.com', fail("created account with same handle"), pass("refused to create account with same handle") );
$.yote.create_account( 'nunit_test_account', 'ut', 'nobody@fenowyn.com', fail("created account with same email"), pass("refused to create account with same email") );
$.yote.login( 'unit_test_account', 'uz', fail( "able to log in with wrong password" ), pass( "unable to log in with wrong password" ) );
$.yote.login( 'unit_test_account', 'ut', pass( "able to log in" ), fail( "able to log in" ) );
//app that requires login should allow get_scalar now
var scalar = login.get_scalar( {}, {failhandler:fail("required login returned scalar with login")});
ok( typeof scalar !== 'object' && scalar === 'ZEEP', "no login scalar");
// have a Yote object returned
var obj = login.get( 'yote_obj' );
is( typeof obj, 'object', "no login returns yote obj" );
var initval = obj.get('name');
is( initval, 'INITY', "yote object inited on server side" );
// have yote array returned
var arry = login.get_array();
is( arry.length(), 3, 'length of array returned' );
is( arry.get(0), 'A', 'element 0 correct' );
//check if el 2 is object
var inobj = arry.get(2);
is( inobj.get('name'), 'INITY', "yote object inited on server side" );
// have yote hash returned
var h = arry.get(1);
is( h.length(), 1, 'hash has correct numbers' );
var inarry = h.get('inner');
is( inarry.length(), 2, 'inner array has correct length' );
is( inarry.get(0), 'Juan', '1st el inner array' );
var inh = inarry.get(1);
is( inh.length(), 2, 'inner hash length' );
is( inh.get('peanut'), 'Butter', 'first value inner hash' );
is( inh.get('ego').id, $.yote.objs[inh.get('ego').id].id, 'object stored in root object cache' );
is( inh.get('ego').get('name'), 'INITY', 'object stored in inner hash' );
// account removal
$.yote.remove_account( 'unit_test_account', 'ut', 'nobody@fenowyn.com', pass( "remove account" ), fail( "remove account" ) );
} ); //ready
<h1>Yote Unit Tests</h1>
<div id=tests></div>
<div id=results></div>