<html><head><title>Hello World</title>
<script src="../js/jquery-latest.js"></script>
<script src="../js/jquery.dumper.js"></script>
<script src="../js/jquery.base64.min.js"></script>
<script src="../js/json2.js"></script>
<script src="../js/yote/yote.js"></script>
var hello_app = $.yote.init("http://"+location.host+"/cgi-bin/dev/yote.cgi").get_app('Yote::Test::Hello');
$('#button').click( function() {
var result = hello_app.hello({ name:$('#txt').val() } );
alert( result ); //get the message from running the hello method.
alert( 'testfield is ' + hello_app.get_testfield() ); //get the value of testfield that is attached to the app
var counter = hello_app.get_counter(); //get the counter object that is attached to the app
alert( 'counter is at ' + counter.get_count() ); //get the value of the count field of the counter object attached to the app
var list = hello_app.get_list();
alert( 'list : ' + $.dump( list ) );
var hash = hello_app.get_hash();
alert( 'hash : ' + $.dump( hash ) );
} );
<body><h1>Hello World</h1>
<input type=text id=txt><BR><button type=button id=button>Say Hi</button>