Yote - Code server side, use client side.
Yote is a platform that
* serves up any number of separate applications
* provides account management
* provides access control for objects and methods
Yote on the server side is a server that is a
* schemaless object database with a recursive tree structure
* multi-threaded request queuing server
* single-threaded execution server
Yote on the client is a javascript library that provides
* RPC bound yote objects
* web controls that bind to the yote objects
* web controls for account management
I wrote Yote because I wanted to write object oriented applications, particulally web applications and prototypes, in a ferenic ADHD style.
I wanted the objects and their data to connect together as easily as one connects tinker toys together. I found writing and modifying table schemas, especially for prototypes, is a drag on the development and testing and I wanted to get rid of that step once and for all for at least prototype development.
I had chance to use SOAP and XMLHttpdRequest calls. SOAP I found too slow, and at the time had seen it only for php, jsp and other server side web languages.