use strict;
use forks;
use CGI;
use JSON;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.081';
my( @commands, %prid2wait, %prid2result, $singleton );
share( @commands );
share( %prid2wait );
share( %prid2result );
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub new {
my $pkg = shift;
my $class = ref( $pkg ) || $pkg;
$singleton = bless {}, $class;
return $singleton;
# Sets up Initial database server and tables.
sub init_server {
my( $self, @args ) = @_;
Yote::ObjProvider::init_datastore( @args );
} #init_server
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub do404 {
my $self = shift;
$self->send_status( "404 Not Found" );
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\nERROR : 404\n";
# Called when a request is made. This does an initial parsing and
# sends a data structure to _process_command.
# Commands are sent with a single HTTP request parameter : m for message.
# This ads a command to the list of commands. If
#sub process_request {
sub process_http_request {
my $self = shift;
my $content_length = $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH};
if( $content_length > 5_000_000 ) { #make this into a configurable field
# There are two requests :
# * web page
# * command. starts with '_'. like _/{app id}/{obj id}/{command} or _/{command}
# Commands have the following structure :
# * a - action
# * ai - app id to invoke command on
# * d - data
# * oi - object id to invoke command on
# * p - ip address
# * t - login token for verification
# * at - app (non-login) token for verification
# * w - if true, waits for command to be processed before returning
my( $uri, $remote_ip ) = @ENV{'PATH_INFO','REMOTE_ADDR'};
print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump(["REQUEST FOR $uri"]);
$uri =~ s/\s+HTTP\S+\s*$//;
my( @path ) = grep { $_ ne '' && $_ ne '..' } split( /\//, $uri );
print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump(["PATH : '$path[0]'"]);
if( $path[0] eq '_' || $path[0] eq '_u' ) { # _ is normal yote io, _u is upload file
my( $vars, $return_header );
if( $path[0] eq '_' ) {
my $CGI = new CGI;
$vars = $CGI->Vars();
$return_header = "Content-Type: text/json\n\n";
else {
$vars = Yote::FileHelper->__ingest();
$return_header = "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
my $action = pop( @path );
my $obj_id = int( pop( @path ) ) || 1;
my $app_id = int( pop( @path ) ) || 1;
my $wait = $vars->{w};
my $command = {
a => $action,
ai => $app_id,
d => $vars->{d},
oi => $obj_id,
p => $remote_ip,
t => $vars->{t},
at => $vars->{at},
w => $wait,
my $procid = $$;
if( $wait ) {
lock( %prid2wait );
$prid2wait{$procid} = $wait;
# Queue up the command for processing in a separate thread.
lock( @commands );
push( @commands, [$command, $procid] );
cond_broadcast( @commands );
# If the connection is waiting for an answer, give it
if( $wait ) {
while( 1 ) {
my $wait;
lock( %prid2wait );
$wait = $prid2wait{$procid};
if( $wait ) {
lock( %prid2wait );
if( $prid2wait{$procid} ) {
cond_wait( %prid2wait );
last unless $prid2wait{$procid};
} else {
my $result;
if( $wait ) {
lock( %prid2result );
$result = $prid2result{$procid};
delete $prid2result{$procid};
print STDERR "Sending result $return_header $result\n";
print $return_header;
print "$result";
else { #not waiting for an answer, but give an acknowledgement
print "{\"msg\":\"Added command\"}";
# print STDERR "<END---------------- PROC REQ $$ ------------------>\n";
} #if a command on an object
else { #serve up a web page
my $root = $self->{args}{webroot};
my $dest = join('/',@path);
if( -d "<$root/$dest" ) {
$dest .= '/index.html';
if( open( IN, "<$root/$dest" ) ) {
if( $dest =~ /\.js$/i ) {
print "Content-Type: text/javascript\n\n";
elsif( $dest =~ /\.css$/i ) {
print "Content-Type: text/css\n\n";
elsif( $dest =~ /\.(jpg|gif|png|jpeg)$/i ) {
print "Content-Type: image/$1\n\n";
else {
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
while(<IN>) {
print $_;
close( IN );
} else {
} #serve html
} #process_request
sub shutdown {
my $self = shift;
print STDERR "Shutting down yote server \n";
print STDERR "Killing threads \n";
print STDERR "Shut down server thread.\n";
} #shutdown
sub start_server {
my( $self, @args ) = @_;
my $args = scalar(@args) == 1 ? $args[0] : { @args };
$self->{args} = $args;
$self->{args}{webroot} ||= '/usr/local/yote/html';
$self->{args}{upload} ||= '/usr/local/yote/html/upload';
Yote::ObjProvider::init( %$args );
# fork out for three starting threads
# - one a multi forking server (parent class)
# - one for a cron daemon inside of Yote. (PENDING)
# - and the parent thread an event loop.
my $root = Yote::YoteRoot::fetch_root();
# @TODO - finish the cron and uncomment this
# cron thread
#my $cron = $root->get__crond();
#my $cron_thread = threads->new( sub { $self->_crond( $cron->{ID} ); } );
#$self->{cron_thread} = $cron_thread;
# make sure the filehelper knows where the data directory is
$Yote::WebAppServer::YOTE_ROOT_DIR = $self->{args}{root_dir};
$Yote::WebAppServer::DATA_DIR = $self->{args}{data_dir};
$Yote::WebAppServer::FILE_DIR = $self->{args}{data_dir} . '/holding';
$Yote::WebAppServer::WEB_DIR = $self->{args}{webroot};
$Yote::WebAppServer::UPLOAD_DIR = $self->{args}{webroot}. '/uploads';
mkdir( $Yote::WebAppServer::DATA_DIR );
mkdir( $Yote::WebAppServer::FILE_DIR );
mkdir( $Yote::WebAppServer::WEB_DIR );
mkdir( $Yote::WebAppServer::UPLOAD_DIR );
# update @INC library list
my $paths = $root->get__application_lib_directories([]);
push @INC, @$paths;
# server thread
my $server_thread = threads->new( sub { $self->run( %$args ); } );
$self->{server_thread} = $server_thread;
} #start_server
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub _crond {
my( $self, $cron_id ) = @_;
while( 1 ) {
sleep( 60 );
lock( @commands );
push( @commands, [ {
a => 'check',
ai => 1,
d => 'eyJkIjoxfQ==',
oi => $cron_id,
p => undef,
t => undef,
w => 0,
}, $$] );
cond_broadcast( @commands );
} #infinite loop
} #_crond
# Run by a thread that constantly polls for commands.
sub _poll_commands {
while(1) {
my $cmd;
lock( @commands );
$cmd = shift @commands;
if( $cmd ) {
_process_command( $cmd );
unless( @commands ) {
lock( @commands );
cond_wait( @commands );
} #_poll_commands
sub _process_command {
my( $req ) = @_;
my( $command, $procid ) = @$req;
my $wait = $command->{w};
my $resp;
eval {
my $obj_id = $command->{oi};
my $app_id = $command->{ai};
my $app = Yote::ObjProvider::fetch( $app_id ) || Yote::YoteRoot::fetch_root();
my $data = _translate_data( from_json( MIME::Base64::decode( $command->{d} ) )->{d} );
my $login = $app->token_login( $command->{t}, undef, $command->{p} );
my $guest_token = $command->{gt};
print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump(["INCOMING",$data,$command,$login]);
# security check
unless( Yote::ObjManager::allows_access( $obj_id, $app, $login, $guest_token ) ) {
die "Access Error";
my $app_object = Yote::ObjProvider::fetch( $obj_id ) || $app;
my $action = $command->{a};
my $account;
if( $login ) {
$account = $app->__get_account( $login );
my $ret = $app_object->$action( $data, $account, $command->{p} );
my $dirty_delta = Yote::ObjProvider::__fetch_changed();
my( $dirty_data );
if( @$dirty_delta ) {
$dirty_data = {};
my $allowed_dirty = Yote::ObjManager::knows_dirty( $dirty_delta, $app_object, $login, $guest_token );
for my $d_id ( @$allowed_dirty ) {
my $dobj = Yote::ObjProvider::fetch( $d_id );
if( ref( $dobj ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
$dirty_data->{$d_id} = { map { $_ => Yote::ObjProvider::xform_in( $dobj->[$_] ) } (0..$#$dobj) };
} elsif( ref( $dobj ) eq 'HASH' ) {
$dirty_data->{$d_id} = { map { $_ => Yote::ObjProvider::xform_in( $dobj->{ $_ } ) } keys %$dobj };
} else {
$dirty_data->{$d_id} = { map { $_ => $dobj->{DATA}{$_} } grep { $_ !~ /^_/ } keys %{$dobj->{DATA}} };
} #if there was a dirty delta
$resp = $dirty_data ? { r => $app_object->__obj_to_response( $ret, $login, 1, $guest_token ), d => $dirty_data } : { r => $app_object->__obj_to_response( $ret, $login, 1, $guest_token ) };
# if( $login ) {
# $Yote::ObjProvider::LOGIN_OBJECTS->{ $login->{ID} }{ $app_object->{ID} } = 1;
# }
if( $@ ) {
my $err = $@;
$err =~ s/at \/\S+\.pm.*//s;
print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump( ["ERROR",$@] );
$resp = { err => $err, r => '' };
$resp = to_json( $resp );
print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump(["SEND BACK", $resp]);
# Send return value back to the caller if its waiting for it.
if( $wait ) {
lock( %prid2wait );
lock( %prid2result );
$prid2result{$procid} = $resp;
delete $prid2wait{$procid};
cond_broadcast( %prid2wait );
} #_process_command
# Translates from vValue and reference_id to values and references
sub _translate_data {
my( $val ) = @_;
if( ref( $val ) ) { #from javacript object, or hash. no fields starting with underscores accepted
return { map { $_ => _translate_data( $val->{$_} ) } grep { index( $_, '_' ) != 0 } keys %$val };
return undef unless $val;
if( index($val,'v') == 0 ) {
return substr( $val, 1 );
elsif( index($val,'u') == 0 ) { #file upload contains an encoded hash
my $filestruct = from_json( substr( $val, 1 ) );
my $filehelper = new Yote::FileHelper();
$filehelper->set_content_type( $filestruct->{content_type} );
$filehelper->__accept( $filestruct->{filename} );
return $filehelper;
else {
return Yote::ObjProvider::fetch( $val );
=head1 NAME
Yote::WebAppServer - is a library used for creating prototype applications for the web.
use Yote::WebAppServer;
my $server = new Yote::WebAppServer();
This starts an appslication server running on a specified port and hooked up to a specified datastore.
Additional parameters are passed to the datastore.
The server set up uses Net::Server::Fork receiving and sending messages on multiple threads. These threads queue up the messages for a single threaded event loop to make things thread safe. Incomming requests can either wait for their message to be processed or return immediately.
=over 4
=item do404
Return a 404 not found page and exit.
=item process_http_request( )
This implements Net::Server::HTTP and is called automatically for each incomming request.
=item shutdown( )
Shuts down the yote server, saving all unsaved items.
=item start_server( )
=head1 BUGS
There are likely bugs to be discovered. This is alpha software.
=head1 AUTHOR
Eric Wolf
Copyright (C) 2011 Eric Wolf
This module is free software; it can be used under the same terms as perl