The yote root is the main app of the class. It is also always object id 1 and sits at the head of the yote data tree. Yote::YoteRoot is a subclass of Yote::AppRoot.
- fetch( id_list )
Returns the list of the objects to the client provided the client is authroized to receive them.
- fetch_app_by_class( package_name )
Returns the app object singleton of the given package name.
- fetch_root( package_name )
Returns the singleton root object. It creates it if it has not been created.
- guest_token
Creates and returns a guest token, associating it with the calling IP address.
- is_root
Returns true if the account passed in is a root account.
- login( { h: handle, p : password } )
Attempts to log the account in with the given credentials. Returns a data structre with the login token and the login object.
- logout
Invalidates the tokens of the currently logged in user.
- make_root
Takes a login as an argument and makes it root. Throws access error if the callee is not root.
- init - takes a hash of args, passing them to a new Yote::SQLite object and starting it up.
- purge_app
This method may only be invoked by a login with the root bit set. This clears out the app entirely.
- recover_password( { e : email, u : a_url_the_person_requested_recovery, t : reset_url_for_system } )
Causes an email with a recovery link sent to the email in question, if it is associated with an account.
- recovery_reset_password( { p : newpassword, p2 : newpasswordverify, t : recovery_token } )
Resets the password ( kepts hashed in the database ) for the account that the recovery token belongs to. Returns the url_the_person_requested_recovery that was given in the recover_password call.
- remove_login( { h : handle, e : email, p : password } )
Purges the login account from the system if its credentials are verified. It moves the account to a special removed logins hidden field under the yote root.
- remove_root( login )
Removes the root bit from the login.
- create_login( args )
Create a login with the given client supplied args : h => handle, e => email, p => password. This checks to make sure handle and email address are not already taken. This is invoked by the javascript call $.yote.create_login( handle, password, email )
- cron
Returns the cron. Only a root login may call this.
Eric Wolf
Copyright (C) 2012 Eric Wolf
This module is free software; it can be used under the same terms as perl itself.