NAME - make tests on a remote machine

SYNOPSYS MyInteresting-Dist-1.107.tar.gz machine1.domain machine2.domain  -l MyInteresting-Dist-1.107.tar.gz machine1.domain ...


Check your Perl distribution on diferent platforms avoiding the familiar excuse It works on my machine.


The script assumes that automatic authentification via SSH has been set up with each of the remote UNIX machines.


The script copies the specified Perl distribution


(see ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build) to each of the listed machines machine1.domain, machine2.domain, etc. and proceeeds to test the distribution (make test) on these machines. Namely, it does the following steps:

  • Evals a preamble Perl file named by default Use that file to init any configuration variables and set up things in both the local and remote machines

  • For each of the machines machine1.domain, machine2.domain, etc.

    - A ssh connection is open. If a file with name preamble.$ exists (being $machine the name of the machine) it will be evaluated in the remote machine $machine. A temporary directory is created and the distribution is transferred (using scp) to that directory
    - The distribution is unpacked using tar and gunzip. The program then changes directory to the distribution directory
    - If a file Makefile.PL exists, the classical sequence
    perl Makefile.PL
    make test

    takes place. Otherwise, if a file Build.PL exists, the default sequence is

    perl Build.Pl
    ./Build test

    Options can be passed in each of these steps setting some variables in (See section "SPECIAL VARIABLES")

    - In case of error the program will proceed with the next machine in the list of arguments
    - After reporting the test results, the temporary directories and files are removed


The local preamble file (by default can be used to initialize the state both in the local and remote machines. If the command option --localpreamble filename is specified filename will be used instead of

If exists the preamble file is used to set the variables that govern the execution and the environment in which the tests will be performed. The public variables are:


The following variables have a special meaning:

  • $makebuilder

    the name of the Perl program that builds the builder. Defaults to Makefile.PL if the distribution has one. Otherwise it defaults to Build.PL if the distribution has one. If you set a value for $makebuilder and $build these will be used instead.

  • $build

    defaults to make or ./Build

  • $makebuilder_arg

    arguments for perl Makefile.PL or perl Build.PL

  • $build_arg

    arguments for make or ./Build

  • $build_test_arg

    arguments for make test or ./Build test

  • $separator

    A reference to a subroutine. The callback is called with the GRID::Machine object as only argument. It must return the string that is used as a title or header for the report. The default callback returns the string:


    being $host = $_[0]->host the name/IP of the current machine.

  • %preamble

    hash indexed in the machine IPs/names. Values are strings containing the preamble code that will be evaluated in the corresponding machine when the SSH connection is set


When conecting to machine1.domain the program checks if a file with name exists. If so it will be loaded and evaluated in such machine before running the tests. Settings in this file take precedence over the ones in the hash %preamble


  • No input from STDIN is allowed either in your Makefile.PL (or Build.PL) or during any of the testing phases, i.e. your programs must run in batch mode

  • The current version does not allow to change the arguments for perl Makefile.PL, etc. on a machine basis. The sequence of commands is the the same in each machine


I have a file named in the distribution directory of GRID::Machine:

pp2@nereida:~/LGRID_Machine$ cat -n
   1  # This code is executed in the local machine
   3  # Redefine them if needed
   4  #our $makebuilder = 'Makefile:PL';
   5  #our $build = 'make';
   6  #our $makebuilder_arg = ''; # s.t. like INSTALL_BASE=~/personalmodules
   7  #our $build_arg = '';       # arguments for "make"/"Build"
   9  our $build_test_arg = 'TEST_VERBOSE=1';
  11  # This code will be executed in the remote servers
  12  our %preamble = (
  13    beowulf => q{ $ENV{GRID_REMOTE_MACHINE} = "orion"; },
  14    orion   => q{ $ENV{GRID_REMOTE_MACHINE} = ""; },
  15  );

Now when I run for a distribution in machine beowulf the environment variable GRID_REMOTE_MACHINE will be set in beowulf prior to the execution of the tests and the tests will run with TEST_VERBOSE=1:

pp2@nereida:~/LGRID_Machine$ GRID-Machine-0.091.tar.gz beowulf
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for GRID::Machine
cp lib/GRID/ blib/lib/GRID/
/usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/
Manifying blib/man1/
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" \
  "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
ok 1 - use GRID::Machine;
ok 2 - No fatals creating a GRID::Machine object
ok 3 - installed sub on remote machine
ok 4 - RPC didn't died
ok 5 - nested structures
ok 6 - Remote died gracefully
ok 7 - Syntax error correctly catched
ok 8 - Undefined subroutine error correctly catched
ok 9 - Equal local references look equal on the remote side
ok 10 - Equal remote references look equal on the local side
All tests successful.
Files=12, Tests=213, 19 wallclock secs ( 3.12 cusr +  0.32 csys =  3.44 CPU)

To make things more comfortable, I usually set in function MY::postamble inside the Makefile.PL a target remotetest (see ExtUtils::MakeMaker)

sub MY::postamble {
        my @machines = qw{orion beowulf};

remotetest: \${DISTVNAME}.tar.gz @machines

this way I can simply run the remote test by writing :

pp2@nereida:~/LGRID_Machine$ make remotetest
scripts/ GRID-Machine-0.091.tar.gz orion beowulf
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good


Casiano Rodriguez Leon <>


(c) Copyright 2008 Casiano Rodriguez-Leon

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.