Parse::Eyapp::Parse - The parser of Eyapp grammars
Eyapp Grammar
The parser for the Eyapp
language was written and generated using Parse::Eyapp
and the eyapp
compiler (actually the first version was bootstrapped using the yapp compiler). The Eyapp program parsing the Eyapp
language is in the file Parse/Eyapp/Parse.yp
in the Parse::Eyapp
distribution. Therefore Parse::Eyapp::Parse
objects have all the methods in Parse::Eyapp::driver
A Parse::Eyapp::Parse
is nothing but a particular kind of Parse::Eyapp
parser: the one that parses Eyapp
This section describes the syntax of the Eyapp language using its own notation. The grammar extends yacc and yapp grammars. Semicolons have been omitted to save space. Between C-like comments you can find an (informal) explanation of the language associated with the token.
eyapp: head body tail ;
symbol: LITERAL /* A string literal like 'hello' */
| ident
ident: IDENT /* IDENT is [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]* */
head: headsec '%%'
headsec: decl *
decl: '\n'
| SEMANTIC typedecl symlist '\n' /* SEMANTIC is %semantic\s+token */
| SYNTACTIC typedecl symlist '\n' /* SYNTACTIC is %syntactic\s+token */
| TOKEN typedecl symlist '\n' /* TOKEN is %token */
| ASSOC typedecl symlist '\n' /* ASSOC is %(left|right|nonassoc) */
| START ident '\n' /* START is %start */
| HEADCODE '\n' /* HEADCODE is %{ Perl code ... %} */
| UNION CODE '\n' /* UNION CODE see yacc/bison */
| DEFAULTACTION CODE '\n' /* DEFAULTACTION is %defaultaction */
| TREE treeclauses? '\n' /* TREE is %tree */
| METATREE '\n' /* METATREE is %metatree */
| TYPE typedecl identlist '\n' /* TYPE is %type */
| EXPECT NUMBER '\n' /* EXPECT is %expect */
/* NUMBER is \d+ */
typedecl: /* empty */
| '<' IDENT '>'
symlist: symbol +
identlist: ident +
body: rules * '%%'
rules: IDENT ':' rhss ';'
rhss: rule <+ '|'>
rule: optname rhs (prec epscode)?
rhs: rhseltwithid *
rhseltwithid :
rhselt '.' IDENT
| '$' rhselt
| rhselt
rhselt: symbol
| code
| '(' optname rhs ')'
| rhselt STAR /* STAR is (%name\s*([A-Za-z_]\w*)\s*)?\* */
| rhselt '<' STAR symbol '>'
| rhselt OPTION /* OPTION is (%name\s*([A-Za-z_]\w*)\s*)?\? */
| rhselt '<' PLUS symbol '>'
| rhselt PLUS /* PLUS is (%name\s*([A-Za-z_]\w*)\s*)?\+ */
optname: (NAME IDENT)? /* NAME is %name */
| NOBYPASS IDENT /* NOBYPASS is %no\s+bypass */
prec: PREC symbol /* PREC is %prec */
epscode: code ?
CODE /* CODE is { Perl code ... } */
| BEGINCODE /* BEGINCODE is %begin { Perl code ... } */
tail: TAILCODE ? /* TAILCODE is { Perl code ... } */
The semantic of Eyapp
agrees with the semantic of yacc
and yapp
for all the common constructions.
Casiano Rodriguez-Leon (
This work has been supported by CEE (FEDER) and the Spanish Ministry of Educación y Ciencia through Plan Nacional I+D+I number TIN2005-08818-C04-04 (ULL::OPLINK project Support from Gobierno de Canarias was through GC02210601 (Grupos Consolidados). The University of La Laguna has also supported my work in many ways and for many years.
A large percentage of code is verbatim taken from Parse::Yapp 1.05. The author of Parse::Yapp is Francois Desarmenien.
I wish to thank Francois Desarmenien for his Parse::Yapp
module, to my students at La Laguna and to the Perl Community. Special thanks to my family and Larry Wall.
Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Casiano Rodriguez-Leon ( All rights reserved.
Parse::Yapp copyright is of Francois Desarmenien, all rights reserved. 1998-2001
These modules are free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 98:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'I<Educación'. Assuming UTF-8