Parse::Eyapp::YATW - Tree transformation objects


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Rule6;
use Parse::Eyapp::YATW;

my %BinaryOperation = (PLUS=>'+', MINUS => '-', TIMES=>'*', DIV => '/');

sub set_terminfo {
  no warnings;
  *TERMINAL::info = sub { $_[0]{attr} };
sub is_foldable {
  my ($op, $left, $right);
  return 0 unless defined($op = $BinaryOperation{ref($_[0])});
  return 0 unless ($left = $_[0]->child(0), $left->isa('NUM'));
  return 0 unless ($right = $_[0]->child(1), $right->isa('NUM'));

  my $leftnum = $left->child(0)->{attr};
  my $rightnum = $right->child(0)->{attr};
  $left->child(0)->{attr} = eval "$leftnum $op $rightnum";
  $_[0] = $left;

my $parser = new Rule6();
my $input = "2*3";
my $t = $parser->Run(\$input);
print "\n***** Before ******\n";
print $t->str;
my $p = Parse::Eyapp::YATW->new(PATTERN => \&is_foldable);
print "\n***** After ******\n";
print $t->str."\n";


Parse::Eyapp:YATW objects implement tree transformations. They have two attributes PATTERN and NAME. PATTERN is a reference to the code implementing the transformation. NAME is the name of the transformation.

Though usually you build a transformation by means of Treeregexp programs you can directly invoke the method new to build a tree transformation. A transformation object can be built from a function that conforms to the YATW tree transformation call protocol

For a subroutine pattern_sub to work as a YATW tree transformation - as subroutine is_foldable in the SYNOPSIS section - has to conform to the following call description:

    $_[0],  # Node being visited
    $_[1],  # Father of this node
    $index, # Index of this node in @Father->children
    $self,  # The YATW pattern object

The pattern_sub must return TRUE if matched and FALSE otherwise.

The function is_foldable in the SYNOPSIS section holds the properties to be a YATW tree transformation

 1    sub is_foldable {
 2      my ($op, $left, $right);
 4      return 0 unless defined($op = $BinaryOperation{ref($_[0])});
 5      return 0 unless ($left = $_[0]->child(0), $left->isa('NUM'));
 6      return 0 unless ($right = $_[0]->child(1), $right->isa('NUM'));
 8      my $leftnum = $left->child(0)->{attr};
 9      my $rightnum = $right->child(0)->{attr};
10      $left->child(0)->{attr} = eval "$leftnum $op $rightnum";
11      $_[0] = $left;
12    }

First, checks that the current node is one of PLUS, MINUS, TIMES or DIV (line 4). Then checks that both children are NUMbers (lines 5 and 6). In such case proceeds to modify its left child with the result of operating both children (line 10). The matching tree is finally substituted by its left child (line 11).

This is the output of the program in the SYNOPSIS section:

pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ eyapp Rule6.yp;

***** Before ******
***** After ******

Follows the grammar description file in Rule6.yp:

pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ cat -n Rule6.yp
   1  %{
   2  use Data::Dumper;
   3  %}
   4  %right  '='
   5  %left   '-' '+'
   6  %left   '*' '/'
   7  %left   NEG
   8  %tree
  10  %%
  11  line: exp  { $_[1] }
  12  ;
  14  exp:      %name NUM
  15              NUM
  16          | %name VAR
  17            VAR
  18          | %name ASSIGN
  19            VAR '=' exp
  20          | %name PLUS
  21            exp '+' exp
  22          | %name MINUS
  23            exp '-' exp
  24          | %name TIMES
  25            exp '*' exp
  26          | %name DIV
  27            exp '/' exp
  28          | %name UMINUS
  29            '-' exp %prec NEG
  30          |   '(' exp ')'  { $_[2] } /* Let us simplify a bit the tree */
  31  ;
  33  %%
  35  use Tail2;

The module Tail2 in file examples/ implements the lexical analyzer plus the error and run methods.

Parse::Eyapp:YATW Methods

Parse::Eyapp:YATW objects represent tree transformations. They carry the information of what nodes match and how to modify them.


Builds a treeregexp transformation object. Though usually you build a transformation by means of Treeregexp programs you can directly invoke the method to build a tree transformation. A transformation object can be built from a function that conforms to the YATW tree transformation call protocol (see the section "The YATW Tree Transformation Call Protocol"). Follows an example (file examples/

nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples> \
       sed -ne '68,$p' | cat -n
 1  sub is_code {
 2    my $self = shift; # tree
 4    # After the shift $_[0] is the father, $_[1] the index
 5    if ((ref($self) eq 'CODE')) {
 6      splice(@{$_[0]->{children}}, $_[1], 1);
 7      return 1;
 8    }
 9    return 0;
10  }
12  Parse::Eyapp->new_grammar(
13    input=>$translationscheme,
14    classname=>'Calc',
15    firstline =>7,
16  );
17  my $parser = Calc->new();                # Create the parser
19  $parser->YYData->{INPUT} = "2*-3\n";  print "2*-3\n"; # Set the input
20  my $t = $parser->Run;                    # Parse it
21  print $t->str."\n";
22  my $p = Parse::Eyapp::YATW->new(PATTERN => \&is_code);
23  $p->s($t);
24  { no warnings; # make attr info available only for this display
25    local *TERMINAL::info = sub { $_[0]{attr} };
26    print $t->str."\n";
27  }

After the Parse::Eyapp::YATW object $p is built at line 22 the call to method $p->s($t) applies the transformation is_code using a bottom-up traversing of the tree $t. The achieved effect is the elimination of CODE references in the translation scheme tree. When executed the former code produces:


The file in the examples/ distribution directory gives you another example:

nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples> cat -n
  1  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  2  use strict;
  3  use Rule6;
  4  use Parse::Eyapp::YATW;
  6  my %BinaryOperation = (PLUS=>'+', MINUS => '-', TIMES=>'*', DIV => '/');
  8  sub set_terminfo {
  9    no warnings;
 10    *TERMINAL::info = sub { $_[0]{attr} };
 11  }
 12  sub is_foldable {
 13    my ($op, $left, $right);
 14    return 0 unless defined($op = $BinaryOperation{ref($_[0])});
 15    return 0 unless ($left = $_[0]->child(0), $left->isa('NUM'));
 16    return 0 unless ($right = $_[0]->child(1), $right->isa('NUM'));
 18    my $leftnum = $left->child(0)->{attr};
 19    my $rightnum = $right->child(0)->{attr};
 20    $left->child(0)->{attr} = eval "$leftnum $op $rightnum";
 21    $_[0] = $left;
 22  }
 24  my $parser = new Rule6();
 25  $parser->YYData->{INPUT} = "2*3";
 26  my $t = $parser->Run;
 27  &set_terminfo;
 28  print "\n***** Before ******\n";
 29  print $t->str;
 30  my $p = Parse::Eyapp::YATW->new(PATTERN => \&is_foldable);
 31  $p->s($t);
 32  print "\n***** After ******\n";
 33  print $t->str."\n";

when executed produces:


***** Before ******
***** After ******

The YATW Tree Transformation Call Protocol

For a subroutine pattern_sub to work as a YATW tree transformation - as subroutines is_foldable and is_code above - has to conform to the following call description:

    $_[0],  # Node being visited
    $_[1],  # Father of this node
    $index, # Index of this node in @Father->children
    $self,  # The YATW pattern object

The pattern_sub must return TRUE if matched and FALSE otherwise.

The protocol may change in the near future. Avoid using other information than the fact that the first argument is the node being visited.


Works as Parse::Eyapp->new but receives an array of subs conforming to the YATW Tree Transformation Call Protocol.

our @all = Parse::Eyapp::YATW->buildpatt(\&delete_code, \&delete_tokens);


The root of the tree that is currently matched by the YATW transformation $yatw will be deleted from the tree as soon as is safe. That usually means when the processing of their siblings is finished. The following example (taken from file examples/ in the Parse::Eyapp distribution) illustrates how to eliminate CODE and syntactic terminals from the syntax tree:

pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ \
       sed -ne '62,$p' | cat -n
 1  sub not_useful {
 2    my $self = shift; # node
 3    my $pat = $_[2];  # get the YATW object
 5    (ref($self) eq 'CODE') or ((ref($self) eq 'TERMINAL') and ($self->{token} eq $self->{attr}))
 6      or do { return 0 };
 7    $pat->delete();
 8    return 1;
 9  }
11  Parse::Eyapp->new_grammar(
12    input=>$translationscheme,
13    classname=>'Calc',
14    firstline =>7,
15  );
16  my $parser = Calc->new();                # Create the parser
18  $parser->YYData->{INPUT} = "2*3\n"; print $parser->YYData->{INPUT};
19  my $t = $parser->Run;                    # Parse it
20  print $t->str."\n";                      # Show the tree
21  my $p = Parse::Eyapp::YATW->new(PATTERN => \&not_useful); 
22  $p->s($t);                               # Delete nodes
23  print $t->str."\n";                      # Show the tree

when executed we get the following output:



Tha call $yatw->unshift($b) safely unshifts (inserts at the beginning) the node $b in the list of its siblings of the node that matched (i.e in the list of siblings of $_[0]). The following example shows a YATW transformation insert_child that illustrates the use of unshift (file examples/

pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ \
        sed -ne '70,$p' | cat -n
 1  my $transform = Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp->new( STRING => q{
 3      delete_code : CODE => { $delete_code->delete() }
 5      {
 6        sub not_semantic {
 7          my $self = shift;
 8          return  1 if ((ref($self) eq 'TERMINAL') and ($self->{token} eq $self->{attr}));
 9          return 0;
10        }
11      }
13      delete_tokens : TERMINAL and { not_semantic($TERMINAL) } => {
14        $delete_tokens->delete();
15      }
17      insert_child : TIMES(NUM(TERMINAL), NUM(TERMINAL)) => {
18        my $b = Parse::Eyapp::Node->new( 'UMINUS(TERMINAL)',
19          sub { $_[1]->{attr} = '4.5' }); # The new node will be a sibling of TIMES
21        $insert_child->unshift($b); 
22      }
23    },
24  )->generate();
26  Parse::Eyapp->new_grammar(
27    input=>$translationscheme,
28    classname=>'Calc',
29    firstline =>7,
30  );
31  my $parser = Calc->new();                # Create the parser
33  $parser->YYData->{INPUT} = "2*3\n"; print $parser->YYData->{INPUT}; # Set the input
34  my $t = $parser->Run;                # Parse it
35  print $t->str."\n";                        # Show the tree
36  # Get the AST
37  our ($delete_tokens, $delete_code);
38  $t->s($delete_tokens, $delete_code);
39  print $t->str."\n";                        # Show the tree
40  our $insert_child;
41  $insert_child->s($t);
42  print $t->str."\n";                        # Show the tree

When is executed the program produces the following output:


Don't try to take advantage that the transformation sub receives in $_[1] a reference to the father (see the section "The YATW Tree Transformation Call Protocol") and do something like:

unshift $_[1]->{children}, $b

it is unsafe.


A call to $yatw->insert_before($node) safely inserts $node in the list of siblings of $_[0] just before $_[0] (i.e. the ndoe that matched with $yatw). The following example (file t/33moveinvariantoutofloop.t) illustrates its use:

my $p = Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp->new( STRING => q{
  moveinvariant: WHILE(VAR($b), BLOCK(@a, ASSIGN($x, $e), @c)) 
       and { is_invariant($ASSIGN, $WHILE) } => {
         my $assign = $ASSIGN;

Here the ASSIGN($x, $e) subtree - if is loop invariant - will be moved to the list of siblings of $WHILE just before the $WHILE.

Tree Matching and Tree Substitution

Matching Trees

Both the transformation objects in Parse::Eyapp::YATW and the nodes in Parse::Eyapp::Node have a method named m for matching. For a Parse::Eyapp::YATW object, the method -when called in a list context- returns a list of Parse::Eyapp::Node::Match nodes.

@R = $t->m($yatw1, $yatw2, $yatw3, ...)

A Parse::Eyapp::Node::Match object describes the nodes of the actual tree that have matched. The nodes in the returned list are organized in a hierarchy. They appear in the list sorted according to a depth-first visit of the actual tree $t. In a scalar context m returns the first element of the list.

Let us denote by $t the actual tree being searched and $r one of the Parse::Eyapp::Node::Match nodes in the resulting forest @R. Then we have the following methods:

  • The method $r->node return the node $t of the actual tree that matched

  • The method $r->father returns the father of $r in the matching forest. The father of $r is defined by this property: $r->father->node is the nearest ancestor of $r->node that matched with the treeregexp pattern. That is, there is no ancestor that matched between $r->node and $r->father->node. Otherwise $r->father is undef

  • The method $r->coord returns the coordinates of $r->node relative to $t. For example, the coordinate ".1.3.2" denotes the node $t->child(1)->child(3)->child(2), where $t is the root of the search.

  • The method $r->depth returns the depth of $r->node in $t.

  • When m was called as a Parse::Eyapp::Node method, i. e. with potentially more than one YATW treeregexp, the method $r->names returns the array of names of the transformations that matched with $r->node.

The following example illustrates a use of m as a Parse::Eyapp:YATW method. It solves a problem of scope analysis in a C compiler: matching each RETURN statement with the function that surrounds it. The parsing was already done, the AST was built and left in $t. The treeregexp used is:


and the code that solves the problem is:

# Associate each "return exp" with its "function"
my @returns = $retscope->m($t); 
for (@returns) {
  my $node = $_->node;
  if (ref($node) eq 'RETURN') {
    my $function = $_->father->node; 
    $node->{function}  = $function;  
    $node->{t} = $function->{t};

The first line gets a list of Parse::Eyapp::Node::Match nodes describing the actual nodes that matched /FUNCTION|RETURN/. If the node described by $_ is a 'RETURN' node, the expresion $_->father->node must necessarily point to the function node that encloses it.

The second example shows the use of m as a Parse::Eyapp::Node method.

pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ cat -n
 1  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 2  use strict;
 3  use Rule6;
 4  use Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp;
 6  Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp->new( STRING => q{
 7    fold: /times|plus|div|minus/i:bin(NUM($n), NUM($m))
 8    zxw: TIMES(NUM($x), .) and { $x->{attr} == 0 }
 9    wxz: TIMES(., NUM($x)) and { $x->{attr} == 0 }
10  })->generate();
12  # Syntax analysis
13  my $parser = new Rule6();
14  $parser->YYData->{INPUT} = "0*0*0";
15  my $t = $parser->Run;
16  print "Tree:",$t->str,"\n";
18  # Search
19  my $m = $t->m(our ($fold, $zxw, $wxz));
20  print "Match Node:\n",$m->str,"\n";

When executed with input 0*0*0 the program generates this output:

Match Node:

The representation of Match nodes by str deserves a comment. Match nodes have their own info method. It returns a string containing the concatenation of the class of $r->node (i.e. the actual node that matched), the depth ($r->depth) and the names of the transformations that matched (as provided by the method $r->names)

The SEVERITY option of Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp::new

The SEVERITY option of Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp::new controls the way matching succeeds regarding the number of children. To illustrate its use let us consider the following example. The grammar used Rule6.yp is similar to the one in the SYNOPSIS example.

pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ cat -n
 1  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 2  use strict;
 3  use Rule6;
 4  use Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp;
 6  sub TERMINAL::info { $_[0]{attr} }
 8  my $severity = shift || 0;
 9  my $parser = new Rule6();
10  $parser->YYData->{INPUT} = shift || '0*2';
11  my $t = $parser->Run;
13  my $transform = Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp->new(
14    STRING => q{
15      zero_times_whatever: TIMES(NUM($x)) and { $x->{attr} == 0 } => { $_[0] = $NUM }
16    },
17    SEVERITY => $severity,
18    FIRSTLINE => 14,
19  )->generate;
21  $t->s(our @all);
23  print $t->str,"\n";

The program gets the severity level from the command line (line 9). The specification of the term TIMES(NUM($x)) inside the transformation zero_times_whatever does not clearly state that TIMES must have two children. There are several interpretations of the treregexp depending on the level fixed for SEVERITY:

  • 0: TIMES must have at least one child. Don't care if it has more.

  • 1: TIMES must have exactly one child.

  • 2: TIMES must have exactly one child. When visit a TIMES node with a different number of children issue a warning.

  • 3: TIMES must have exactly one child. When visit a TIMES node with a different number of children issue an error.

Observe the change in behavior according to the level of SEVERITY:

pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ 0 '0*2'
pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ 1 '0*2'
pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ 2 '0*2'
Warning! found node TIMES with 2 children.
Expected 1 children (see line 15 of ./"
pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ 3 '0*2'
Error! found node TIMES with 2 children.
Expected 1 children (see line 15 of ./"
 at (eval 2) line 29

Tree Substitution: The s methods

Both Parse::Eyapp:Node and Parse::Eyapp::YATW objects (i.e. nodes and tree transformations) are provided with a s method.

In the case of a Parse::Eyapp::YATW object the method s applies the tree transformation using a single bottom-up traversing: the transformation is recursively applied to the children and then to the current node.

For Parse::Eyapp:Node nodes the set of transformations is applied to each node until no transformation matches any more. The example in the "SYNOPSIS" section illustrates the use:

 1  # Let us transform the tree. Define the tree-regular expressions ..
 2  my $p = Parse::Eyapp::Treeregexp->new( STRING => q{
 3    { #  Example of support code
 4      my %Op = (PLUS=>'+', MINUS => '-', TIMES=>'*', DIV => '/');
 5    }
 6    constantfold: /TIMES|PLUS|DIV|MINUS/:bin(NUM($x), NUM($y))
 7      => {
 8        my $op = $Op{ref($_[0])};
 9        $x->{attr} = eval  "$x->{attr} $op $y->{attr}";
10        $_[0] = $NUM[0];
11      }
12    uminus: UMINUS(NUM($x)) => { $x->{attr} = -$x->{attr}; $_[0] = $NUM }
13    zero_times_whatever: TIMES(NUM($x), .) and { $x->{attr} == 0 } => { $_[0] = $NUM }
14    whatever_times_zero: TIMES(., NUM($x)) and { $x->{attr} == 0 } => { $_[0] = $NUM }
15    },
16    OUTPUTFILE=> ''
17  );
18  $p->generate(); # Create the tranformations
20  $t->s($uminus); # Transform UMINUS nodes
21  $t->s(@all);    # constant folding and mult. by zero

The call at line 20 can be substituted by $uminus->s($t) without changes.


Casiano Rodriguez-Leon (


This work has been supported by CEE (FEDER) and the Spanish Ministry of Educación y Ciencia through Plan Nacional I+D+I number TIN2005-08818-C04-04 (ULL::OPLINK project Support from Gobierno de Canarias was through GC02210601 (Grupos Consolidados). The University of La Laguna has also supported my work in many ways and for many years.

A large percentage of code is verbatim taken from Parse::Yapp 1.05. The author of Parse::Yapp is Francois Desarmenien.

I wish to thank Francois Desarmenien for his Parse::Yapp module, to my students at La Laguna and to the Perl Community. Special thanks to my family and Larry Wall.


Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Casiano Rodriguez-Leon ( All rights reserved.

Parse::Yapp copyright is of Francois Desarmenien, all rights reserved. 1998-2001

These modules are free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 675:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'I<Educación'. Assuming UTF-8