Parse::Eyapp::Base - Miscellaneous support functions for Parse::Eyapp


use Parse::Eyapp::Base qw(:all)


Parse::Eyapp::Base holds a set of utility functions that give support to the other modules that made Parse::Eyapp. Several of them are related to the dynamic use of methods and subroutines.


Function insert_method

Function insert_method receives as arguments a list of class names, the name of the method that will be inserted in such classes and a reference to the code implementing such method.

insert_method( qw{CLASS1 CLASS2 ... }, 'subname', sub { ... } )

It inserts the method in the specified classes. A second way to call it is without the last argument, the handler:

insert_method( qw{CLASS1 CLASS2 ... }, 'subname' )

In such case the function is deleted from all the specified classes and it no longer exists.

The caller class is assumed if no classes are specified:

insert_method('subname', sub { ... } )

See the following session with the debugger:

pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/lib/Parse/Eyapp$ perl -wde 0
main::(-e:1):   0
  DB<1> use Parse::Eyapp::Base qw(:all)
  DB<2> insert_method( qw{PLUS MINUS TIMES }, 'printclass', sub { print "$_[0]\n" } )
  DB<3> $_->printclass for qw{PLUS MINUS TIMES }

  DB<4> insert_method( qw{PLUS MINUS TIMES }, 'printclass')
  DB<5> print $_->can('printclass')?"Yes\n":"No\n"  for qw{PLUS MINUS TIMES }

Function insert_function

It works as insert_method (see section "Function insert_method"), only that instead of classes receives the full names of the functions to install and a reference to the code implementing such function. See an example of call:

  qw{ FUNCTIONCALL::type_info VARARRAY::type_info VAR::type_info },

When the package is unspecified the caller package is assumed. See the following example:

pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/lib/Parse/Eyapp$ perl -wde 0
main::(-e:1):   0
  DB<1> use Parse::Eyapp::Base qw(:all)
  DB<2> insert_function('Tutu::tata', 'titi', sub{ print "Inside titi\n"})
  DB<3> titi()
Inside titi

  DB<4> Tutu::tata()
Inside titi

Function empty_method

The call to

empty_method(qw{CLASSES ... }, 'subname')

is equivalent to

insert_method(qw{CLASSES ... }, 'subname', sub {})

Consequently empty_method replaces the current CODE for function subname by an empty subroutine

Function push_method

The call

push_method( qw{CLASS1 CLASS2 ... }, 'subname', sub { ... } )

saves the current methods CLASS1::subname, CLASS2::subname, etc. in a stack and proceeds to install the new handler specified through the last argument. See an example:

pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/lib/Parse/Eyapp$ perl -wde 0
main::(-e:1):   0
  DB<1> use Parse::Eyapp::Base qw(:all)
  DB<2> sub Tutu::titi { print "Inside first Tutu::titi!\n" }
  DB<3> push_method('Tutu', 'titi', sub { print "New titi!\n" })
  DB<4> Tutu::titi()
New titi!

  DB<5> pop_method('Tutu', 'titi')
  DB<6> Tutu::titi()
Inside first Tutu::titi!

  DB<7> push_method('Tutu', 'titi') # No handler: sub Tutu::titi no longer exists
  DB<8> print "Can't titi\n" unless Tutu->can('titi')
Can't titi

  DB<9> pop_method('Tutu', 'titi') # Give me the old sub
  DB<10> Tutu::titi()
Inside first Tutu::titi!

The caller class is assumed if no classes are specified.

In list context the push_method function returns an array of pointers to the old versions of the function. In a scalar context returns the first CODE reference. See the following example:

pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/examples$ cat -n
   1  #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
   2  use strict;
   3  use Parse::Eyapp::Base qw(:all);
   5  sub tutu { "tutu" }
   6  sub Chum::tutu { "chum" }
   8  my @classes = qw{main Cham Chum};
  10  my %oldf;
  11  our $tutu = 5;
  12  our @tutu = 9..12;
  13  $Cham::tutu = 8;
  14  @Cham::tutu = 1..3;
  16  @oldf{@classes} = push_method(@classes, 'tutu', sub { "titi" });
  18  print "Calling new function 'tutu':".&tutu()."\n";
  20  for (@classes) {
  21    if (defined($oldf{$_})) {
  22      print "Old function 'tutu' in $_ gives: ".$oldf{$_}->()."\n";
  23    }
  24    else {
  25       print "Function 'tutu' wasn't defined in $_\n";
  26    }
  27  }

The following session with the debugger shows that:

  • Package variables with the same name like $tutu or @tutu aren't changed by insert_method

  • References to the old versions of function tutu are returned by insert_method

pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ perl -wd
8:      my @classes = qw{main Cham Chum};
  DB<1> c 18
18:     print "Calling new function 'tutu':".&tutu()."\n";
  DB<2> n
Calling new function 'tutu':titi
20:     for (@classes) {
  DB<2> x @tutu
0  9
1  10
2  11
3  12
  DB<3> x @Cham::tutu
0  1
1  2
2  3
  DB<4> p $Cham::tutu
  DB<5> c
Old function 'tutu' in main gives: tutu
Function 'tutu' wasn't defined in Cham
Old function 'tutu' in Chum gives: chum

Function pop_method

The call

pop_method(qw{CLASS1 CLASS2 ... }, 'subname' )

pops the methods in the tops of the stacks associated with CLASS1::subname, CLASS2::subname, etc. See the example in the section push_method above.

  • The caller class is assumed if no classes are specified.

  • If the stack for CLASS::subname is empty the old specification of subname will remain.

    pl@nereida:~/LEyapp/examples$ cat
    #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
    use Parse::Eyapp::Base qw(:all);
    sub tutu { "tutu" }
    my $old = pop_method('tutu');
    print "Function 'tutu' is available\n" if main->can('tutu');
    print "Old function 'tutu' gives: ".$old->()."\n";

    When executed gives the following output:

    Function 'tutu' is available
    Old function 'tutu' gives: tutu
  • In list context the pop_method function returns an array of pointers to the old versions of the function. In a scalar context returns the first function reference. When the stack is empty the function(s) are deleted.

Examples of push_method and pop_method

Hiding functions

See the following example:

package Tutu;
use Parse::Eyapp::Base qw(:all);

sub tutu {
  print "Inside tutu\n"

sub plim {

  # When the stack is empty the old 'tutu' remains ...

  &tutu(); # Inside tutu

  push_method('tutu'); # Tutu dissapears

package main;

# main can't call 'tutu'
print "Can't tutu\n" unless Tutu->can('tutu');

When executed the former program produces this output:

Inside tutu
Can't tutu
Inside tutu

Changing the Behavior of Method-parametric Methods

A common situation where I need the couple (push_method, pop_method) is to control the behavior of method str when debugging:

pl@nereida:~/Lbook/code/Simple-Types/script$ perl -wd prueba26.c 2
Loading DB routines from version 1.28
Editor support available.
main::(  my $filename = shift || die "Usage:\n$0 file.c\n";
  DB<1> c Parse::Eyapp::Node::str
1 int f() {
2   int a[30];
4   return;
5 }
716:      my @terms;

Let us assume I want to see the syntax tree for this program. I can see it using $_[0]->str but the problem is that nodes PROGRAM and FUNCTION have defined a footnote method that will dump their symbol and type tables producing hundred of lines of output and making difficult to see the shape ot the tree. This is because method str calls method footnote wherever the node being visited can do footnote. The solution is to use push_method to make the footnote methods dissapear:

DB<2> use Parse::Eyapp::Base qw(:all)
DB<3> push_method(qw{PROGRAM FUNCTION}, 'footnote')

The use of push_method without an explicit code handler eliminates the CODE entry for footnote:

  DB<4> p $_->can('footnote')? "1\n" : "0\n" for (qw{PROGRAM FUNCTION})

Now I can see the shape of the tree:

  DB<5> p $_[0]->str


If I want back the footnote methods I can use pop_method:

DB<6> pop_method(qw{PROGRAM FUNCTION}, 'footnote')
DB<7> p $_->can('footnote')? "1\n" : "0\n" for (qw{PROGRAM FUNCTION})

Now the information will be profuse:

  DB<8> p $_[0]->str

$VAR1 = {
  'CHAR' => bless( {
    'children' => []
  }, 'CHAR' ),
  ..... etc, etc.
  'A_30(INT)' => bless( {
    'children' => [
  }, 'A_30' )
Symbol Table:
$VAR1 = {
  'f' => {
    'type' => 'F(X_0(),INT)',
    'line' => 1

$VAR1 = {
  'a' => {
    'type' => 'A_30(INT)',
    'line' => 2

You can still do something like this to achieve a similar effect:

DB<9> p eval { local (*PROGRAM::footnote, *FUNCTION::footnote) = (sub {}, sub {}); $_[0]->str }


but is certainly more verbose and does not eliminate function footnote from the PROGRAM and FUNCTION classes.

Therefore the usefulness of push_method is when you either want to temporarily delete your function/methods or localize them not necessarily in a scope basis.

Function compute_lines

The call

compute_lines(\$text, $filename, $pattern)

Substitutes all the ocurrences of $pattern by #line $number $filename in string $text. where $number is the line number.

Function slurp_file

The call

my $input = slurp_file($filename, "c");

returns a string with the contents of the file $filename assuming extension "c".

 pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/lib/Parse/Eyapp$ perl -wde 0
 main::(-e:1):   0
   DB<1> use Parse::Eyapp::Base qw(:all)
   DB<2> !!ls *yp # There are two files with extension .yp in this directory
 Parse.yp  Treeregexp.yp
   DB<3> $x = slurp_file('Parse', 'yp') # read the whole file
   DB<4> p $x =~ tr/\n// # file Parse.yp has 1038 lines

Function valid_keys

The call


Returns a string with the keys of the %hash separated by commas:

pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/lib/Parse/Eyapp$ perl -wde 0
main::(-e:1):   0
  DB<1> use Parse::Eyapp::Base qw(:all)
  DB<3> $x = valid_keys(%h)
  DB<4> p $x

Function invalid_keys

It is called with two hash references:

  DB<5> p invalid_keys(\%h, { SCOPE_NAME => 'a', ENTRY_NAMe => 'b', SCOPE_DEPTH => 'c'})

It returns the first key in the second hash that does not appear in the first hash. See a more complete example:

pl@nereida:~/src/perl/YappWithDefaultAction/lib/Parse/Eyapp$ head -31 | cat -n
   1  package Parse::Eyapp::Scope;
   2  use strict;
   3  use warnings;
   4  use Carp;
   5  use List::MoreUtils qw(part);
   6  use Parse::Eyapp::Base qw(valid_keys invalid_keys);
   8  my %_new_scope = (
   9    SCOPE_NAME      => 'STRING',
  10    ENTRY_NAME      => 'STRING',
  11    SCOPE_DEPTH     => 'STRING',
  12  );
  13  my $valid_scope_keys = valid_keys(%_new_scope);
  15  sub new {
  16   my $class = shift;
  17    my %args = @_;
  19    if (defined($a = invalid_keys(\%_new_scope, \%args))) {
  20      croak("Parse::Eyapp::Scope::new Error!:\n"
  21           ."unknown argument $a. Valid arguments for new are:\n  $valid_scope_keys")
  22    }
  23    $args{ENTRY_NAME}      = 'entry' unless defined($args{ENTRY_NAME});
  24    $args{SCOPE_NAME}      = 'scope' unless defined($args{SCOPE_NAME});
  25    $args{SCOPE_DEPTH}     = ''      unless defined($args{SCOPE_DEPTH});
  26    $args{PENDING_DECL}    = [];
  27    $args{SCOPE_MARK}      = 0;
  28    $args{DEPTH}           = -1; # first depth is 0
  30    bless \%args, $class;
  31  }

Function write_file

The call

write_file($filename, $textref)

simply opens a file with name $filename writes in it the text referenced by $texterf and closes the file

Function numbered

The call


Returns a string like $input but with lines numbered and the numbers correctly indented. See an example:

  DB<1> use Parse::Eyapp::Base qw(:all)
  DB<2> $input = "Another line!\n"x12
  DB<3> $output = numbered($input)
  DB<4> p $output
 1 Another line!
 2 Another line!
 3 Another line!
 4 Another line!
 5 Another line!
 6 Another line!
 7 Another line!
 8 Another line!
 9 Another line!
10 Another line!
11 Another line!
12 Another line!



Casiano Rodriguez-Leon (


This work has been supported by CEE (FEDER) and the Spanish Ministry of Educación y Ciencia through Plan Nacional I+D+I number TIN2005-08818-C04-04 (ULL::OPLINK project Support from Gobierno de Canarias was through GC02210601 (Grupos Consolidados). The University of La Laguna has also supported my work in many ways and for many years.

A large percentage of code is verbatim taken from Parse::Yapp 1.05. The author of Parse::Yapp is Francois Desarmenien.

I wish to thank Francois Desarmenien for his Parse::Yapp module, to my students at La Laguna and to the Perl Community. Special thanks to my family and Larry Wall.


Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Casiano Rodriguez-Leon ( All rights reserved.

Parse::Yapp copyright is of Francois Desarmenien, all rights reserved. 1998-2001

These modules are free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 536:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'I<Educación'. Assuming UTF-8