# ABSTRACT: A credential that can protect a KDBX file
use strict;
use File::KDBX::Util qw(erase);
use Hash::Util::FieldHash qw(fieldhashes);
use Ref::Util qw(is_arrayref is_coderef is_hashref is_ref is_scalarref);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed openhandle);
our $VERSION = '0.903'; # VERSION
fieldhashes \my %SAFE;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_ % 2 == 1 ? (primitive => shift, @_) : @_;
my $primitive = $args{primitive};
delete $args{primitive} if !$args{keep_primitive};
return $primitive->hide if blessed $primitive && $primitive->isa($class);
my $self = bless \%args, $class;
return $self->init($primitive) if defined $primitive;
return $self;
local ($., $@, $!, $^E, $?);
!in_global_destruction and do { $_[0]->_clear_raw_key; eval { erase \$_[0]->{primitive} } }
sub init {
my $self = shift;
my $primitive = shift // throw 'Missing key primitive';
my $pkg;
if (is_arrayref($primitive)) {
$pkg = __PACKAGE__.'::Composite';
elsif (is_scalarref($primitive) || openhandle($primitive)) {
$pkg = __PACKAGE__.'::File';
elsif (is_coderef($primitive)) {
$pkg = __PACKAGE__.'::ChallengeResponse';
elsif (!is_ref($primitive)) {
$pkg = __PACKAGE__.'::Password';
elsif (is_hashref($primitive) && defined $primitive->{composite}) {
$pkg = __PACKAGE__.'::Composite';
$primitive = $primitive->{composite};
elsif (is_hashref($primitive) && defined $primitive->{password}) {
$pkg = __PACKAGE__.'::Password';
$primitive = $primitive->{password};
elsif (is_hashref($primitive) && defined $primitive->{file}) {
$pkg = __PACKAGE__.'::File';
$primitive = $primitive->{file};
elsif (is_hashref($primitive) && defined $primitive->{responder}) {
$pkg = __PACKAGE__.'::ChallengeResponse';
$primitive = $primitive->{responder};
else {
throw 'Invalid key primitive', primitive => $primitive;
load $pkg;
bless $self, $pkg;
return $self->init($primitive);
sub reload { $_[0] }
sub raw_key {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{raw_key} if !$self->is_hidden;
return $self->_safe->peek(\$self->{raw_key});
sub _set_raw_key {
my $self = shift;
$self->{raw_key} = shift; # after clear
$self->_new_safe->add(\$self->{raw_key}); # auto-hide
sub _clear_raw_key {
my $self = shift;
my $safe = $self->_safe;
$safe->clear if $safe;
erase \$self->{raw_key};
sub hide {
my $self = shift;
$self->_new_safe->add(\$self->{raw_key}) if defined $self->{raw_key};
return $self;
sub show {
my $self = shift;
my $safe = $self->_safe;
$safe->unlock if $safe;
return $self;
sub is_hidden { !!$SAFE{$_[0]} }
sub _safe { $SAFE{$_[0]} }
sub _new_safe { $SAFE{$_[0]} = File::KDBX::Safe->new }
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
File::KDBX::Key - A credential that can protect a KDBX file
=head1 VERSION
version 0.903
A master key is one or more credentials that can protect a KDBX database. When you encrypt a database with
a master key, you will need the master key to decrypt it. B<Keep your master key safe!> If someone gains
access to your master key, they can open your database. If you forget or lose any part of your master key, all
data in the database is lost.
There are several different types of keys, each implemented as a subclass:
=over 4
=item *
L<File::KDBX::Key::Password> - Password or passphrase, knowledge of a string of characters
=item *
L<File::KDBX::Key::File> - Possession of a file ("key file") with a secret
=item *
L<File::KDBX::Key::ChallengeResponse> - Possession of a device that responds correctly when challenged
=item *
L<File::KDBX::Key::YubiKey> - Possession of a YubiKey hardware device (a type of challenge-response)
=item *
L<File::KDBX::Key::Composite> - One or more keys combined as one
A good master key is produced from a high amount of "entropy" (unpredictability). The more entropy the better.
Combining multiple keys into a B<Composite> key combines the entropy of each individual key. For example, if
you have a weak password and you combine it with other keys, the composite key is stronger than the weak
password key by itself. (Of course it's much better to not have any weak components of your master key.)
B<COMPATIBILITY NOTE:> Most KeePass implementations are limited in the types and numbers of keys they support.
B<Password> keys are pretty much universally supported. B<File> keys are pretty well-supported. Many do not
support challenge-response keys. If you are concerned about compatibility, you should stick with one of these
well-supported configurations:
=over 4
=item *
One password
=item *
One key file
=item *
Composite of one password and one key file
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
$key = File::KDBX::Key->new({ password => $password });
$key = File::KDBX::Key->new($password);
$key = File::KDBX::Key->new({ file => $filepath });
$key = File::KDBX::Key->new(\$file);
$key = File::KDBX::Key->new(\*FILE);
$key = File::KDBX::Key->new({ composite => [...] });
$key = File::KDBX::Key->new([...]); # composite key
$key = File::KDBX::Key->new({ responder => \&responder });
$key = File::KDBX::Key->new(\&responder); # challenge-response key
Construct a new key.
The primitive used to construct the key is not saved but is immediately converted to a raw encryption key (see
A L<File::KDBX::Key::Composite> is somewhat special in that it does retain a reference to its component keys,
and its raw key is calculated from its components on demand.
=head2 init
$key = $key->init($primitive);
Initialize a L<File::KDBX::Key> with a new primitive. Returns itself to allow method chaining.
=head2 reload
$key = $key->reload;
Reload a key by re-reading the key source and recalculating the raw key. Returns itself to allow method
=head2 raw_key
$raw_key = $key->raw_key;
$raw_key = $key->raw_key($challenge);
Get the raw encryption key. This is calculated based on the primitive(s). The C<$challenge> argument is for
challenge-response type keys and is ignored by other types.
B<NOTE:> The raw key is sensitive information and so is memory-protected while not being accessed. If you
access it, you should memzero or L<File::KDBX::Util/erase> it when you're done.
=head2 hide
$key = $key->hide;
Put the raw key in L<memory protection|File::KDBX/"Memory Protection">. Does nothing if the raw key is already
in memory protection. Returns itself to allow method chaining.
=head2 show
$key = $key->show;
Bring the raw key out of memory protection. Does nothing if the raw key is already out of memory protection.
Returns itself to allow method chaining.
=head2 is_hidden
$bool = $key->is_hidden;
Get whether or not the key's raw secret is currently in memory protection.
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired
=head1 AUTHOR
Charles McGarvey <ccm@cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Charles McGarvey.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.