Changes for version 2.4.3

  • Added MD5 hashes for hidden data (i.e., passwords) instead of 'crypt'. This is enabled with the '-md5pwd' config option and if enabled is in effect globally. When the switch is made from crypted data to MD5 hashes, the user data file will need to be recreated. Now allows CGI scripts to use the 'prune' function, if the '-cgiprune' option is given. CGI::Simple is now supported--just pass a CGI::Simple object ref instead of a CGI one. CGI::Simple is a drop-in replacement of with all of its CGI-related functionality but without the HTML generation features. User data file delimiter character is no longer a pipe (|) because it is a regex special character. The separator is now a colon (:), so user data files will need to be updated to reflect this--simply changing all pipes to colons should do the trick.


Simple session-based password authentication for CGI applications


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